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Bethany Men's Club at Meeting
Shown at the Town Hall following their Roast Beef Dinner meeting: members of the Bethany Men's Club and guest speaker. Seated, l. to r.: Dudley Sandell, Irving Clark, Officer Edward J. Dooling, John J. Whitehead, Iverson GRaham, Dwight Downs, Russell Winter, and Harris Hoppe. Standing: George Vaill, Kenneth Becker, Kenneth Austin, Clifford Wilcox, Earl Bachelor, David Flood, Stanley Downs, Edward HInman, Kenneth Gooch, and George Sandt. Photo by Ringenberg.

Men's Club Hears Excellent Talk by Officer E. J. Dooling
The Men's Club of Bethany held a Roast Beef Dinner meeting at the Town Hall on Monday evening and heard a most interesting talk by Officer Edward J. Dooling of the Connecticut STate Police Department.
The dinner was expertly prepared and served by a committee which included Kendrick Gooch, Harris Hoppe, Dwight Downs, George Sandt, and Russell Win-
(Continued on page 5)

Notice to Bethany Readers
Those of you who are subscribers will probably receive two copies of this issue, since a general mailing is being sent to Bethany boxholders this week. In addition to supplying extra materials for the Boy Scouts' April 8 Paper Drive, this distribution will serve to remind non-subscribers that this paper, which is now being read by over 1,600 families, offers the most complete coverage of local news available. New subscribers are asked to include their RFD route numbers with their addresses, to facilitate sorting for mailing.

PTA Dance Proceeds To Provide Teaching Aids For School
On this coming Saturday evening, the Bethany Parent-Teacher Association will sponsor a dance at the Community School. About two hundred tickets have already been sold, many of which are not reservations but evidence splendid support given this organization in the town. It is hoped that additional tickets will be sold to friends of the school so that this affair will provide real material benefit for the town's children.
The Association plans to contribute the proceeds toward the purchase of films for the projector already owned by the school. The seventh and eighth grade boys and girls have made display posters, and the co-chairmen of the refreshment committee, Mrs. Robert Terrell and Mrs. John Riley, have made elaborate preparations for the affair.

The Senior Four-Leaf Clover Club will meet at the home of John Cox this afternoon.

Editor's Note
This week we present sketches of the Tax Collectors of Bethany and Orange. Newton H. Street, Town Clerk in Woodbridge, is also Tax Collector in that town. A detailed sketch of him appeared in last week's issue. Further articles on officers and topics of interest in the three towns will appear in subsequent issues.


45 Cub Scouts Have Over 400 Entries in Orange Hobby Show
Last Saturday, the Orange Town Hall housed an exhibition of Cub Scout hobbies which included over 400 individual items. This impressive display was provided by some 45 Cub Scouts, their Den mothers, and their leader, Dr. George D. Whitney. The hobbies covered a wide territory of interests and many awards were given for the best exhibits. First prize of a racoon pelt (bagged by leader Whitney) went to Andrew Pastorius for his splendid mounted collection of sea shells. The two groups which won prizes were: Den 3, under the direction of Mrs. Lester Atkins, and Den 7, under the direction of Mrs. Chester Pfeiffer. The following boys received individual awards for their entries: Lewis Benton in Den 1; Donald Ginter and Roger Hassard in Den 2; Jeff O'Sullivan, Kenneth McNally, and Richard Atkins in Den 3; Jerry Cowdon and Ned Bunton in Den 5; Jim Pfeiffer and Andrew Pastorius in Den 7.
After the Hobby Show, the Scouts were given a talk and demonstration of First Aid techniques by Mr. James Searles. The boys were shown the basic elements of artificial respiration, bandaging, and other accident treatment.
The Cub Scouts meet weekly with their Den Mothers, and each month, a speacial event such as the Hobby Show, is arranged for their Pack meeting. On April 29, the group is planning to have a Parents' and Sons' Kite-Flying Contest. A Soap-box Derby is on the schedule for May.

Orange Collector
Nelson D. Booth
The Tax Collector of the Town of Orange, Nelson D. Booth, was born in Shelton on August 27. 1897. He attended local grammar scools and prepared for college at the Shelton High School and at the Salisbury School. Yale's Sheffeild Scientific School awarded him a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1919.
Following his graduation he was with the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation in Jersey City and later, until 1928,
(Continued on Page 8)

Candidates For Woodbridge Offices

Theodore R. Clark
Albert O. Greene

John J. Ryan
Town Clerk
Newton H. Street Newton H. Street*
Tax Collector
Newton H. Street Newton H. Street*
Town Treasurer
John M. Morse
John M. Morse*
None Gilbert Martin
Board of Tax Review
A. Irving Mansfield None
Registrars of Voters
Curtiss L. L'Hommedieu Isabel Y. Martin
Board of Education
Henry M. Kellner
Doris Eaton
Charles H. Costello
Library Directors
John M. Morse
Milton Ives
Isabel Y. Martin
Grand Jurors
James W. Cooper
William Cousins
Morris Tyler
Board of Zoning Appeals
Phillip S. Brown** Curtiss K. Thompson
Agent of Town Deposit Fund
Grattan H. Miller Mary A. Blakeslee
Malcolm W. Baldwin
Wilder J. Greeley
John M. Shappell
Charles K. Thompson

Vincent Ryan
Charles Sackett
Edward Slavin

**For term beginning in 1952.


Center School PTA Will Hold Father's Night on Thurday, April 5
The annual meeting and election of officers of the Center School P.T.A will be held on April 5, at 8:00 P.M. in the school auditorium. This will also be Father's night, and there will be a panel discussion on "The Woodbridge Boy and Physical Education Program." Mr. Thomas Degnan, Director of Athletics at Wilbur Cross High School, will lead the discussion. Among the members of the panel will be: Samuel Massey, Director of Physical Education at Trinity Church; Harold Doheny, a member of the Park Recreation Commitee; and Thomas Leary, of The Center School. Colin Rathgeber will be chairman of the meeting.
The Center School P.T.A will hold a clothing sale in the Town Hall on April 20.

Mother's Club Holds Fashion Show, Bridge Party on April 6
The Mothers' Club of Woodbridge will hold a Fashion Show and Bridge Party at the Town Hall on April 6 at 8:00 P.M. Mrs. Charles I. Vernon is general Chairman for the affair and her Comittee includes: the Mrs. Charles Marvin, Seelye Vidal, Norman Dahlin, Wilder Greeley, Grant Nickerson, and Carl Hartshorn Jr. The models will be: Mrs. Martin Danielle, Mrs. Frances Schneider, Mrs. Erwin Lyon, Jr., Mrs. James Gilbert, Mrs.Stuart Lamb, Mrs. Gerard Lan-
(Continued on Page 3)

Candidates Chosen At Caucuses for Biennial Elections April 16
In anticipation of the Biennial Town Election on Monday, April 16, the citizens of Woodbridge held caucuses at the Town Hall on Monday evening and chose their slates of officers to be voted upon in that election.
Gearoge H. Eaton presided at the Republican caucus, and Carroll G. Alton Means was clerk. There were about 100 present. It was voted that the Republican Town Chairman shall have the power to fill any vacancy which may occur in the list of nominees between now and election day.
Democratic Town Chairman Carl G. Hoff was moderator of the Democratic caucus with Mrs. E. LaBrake acting as clerk. About 15 persons attended.
The slates chosen are printed in the box which accompanies this article.

blood Give Now The fund drive chairmen for the American Red Cross, Mrs Stanley Wright, of Orange, Mrs. A. Scott Paterson, of Woodbridge, and Mr. Edward Worthington, of Bethany, urge all residents to make their contributions before the end of the month. They also wish to stress the need for blood donors. Appointments for this form of contribution may be made through the local chairmen.