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Orange Catholic Women Plan Fashion Show and Bridge for April 14
The Catholic Women of Orange are holding a Bridge and Fashion Show on Saturday, April 14, at the Black Horse Inn. The card party will begin at 2:00 P.M., and the Fashion Show, presented during the afternoon, will be under the direction of the Jenner Shop and the Frances Taehr Shop, both of Milford.
Mrs. Vincent T. Sullivan has been chosen general Chairlady. The following people comprise her Committee: Reservations, Mrs. Raymond Campbell (SY9-2191), Mrs. George Piontek (3-5578), and Mrs. Thomas gibbons (3-5135); Table Prizes, Mrs. Richard Hare and Mrs. William Lindsay; Novelty, Miss Claire Shanley, Mrs. Charles Roechert, and Mrs. Edward Rappa; Door Prizes, Miss Elyse Reynolds, Mrs. Arthur Huber, and Mrs. Louis Coppola; Publicity, Mrs. A. John Rappa, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan, and Mrs. Walter B. Mills.
Anyone wishing to make reservations may call any member of the reservation committee at the numbers given.

The Women’s Club held a Federated meeting at the home of Mrs. John Howell on Tyler City Road on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Douglas Johnston of the Connecticut Federation of Women’s Clubs gave an illustrated talk entitled “Grandma Goes Abroad.” The assisting hostesses were: Mrs. James Lynch, Mrs. Charles Melius, Mrs. Andrew Peterson, Mrs. John Patrick, Mrs. Allison Smith, and Mrs. Herman Tetsloff. The next meeting of the club will be a luncheon meeting on Wednesday, April 11.
The Orange Badminton Club will send eight members to represent the group in a return engagement against the Woodbridge-Westville team, to be held at the Harrison Street Congregational Church in Westville on April 5.
Mr. Joseph Brennan, Physical Director at the Orange Center School, conducted a badminton tournament between the High School group and the Center School players on Monday. Results of the matches will be announced later.
The Orange 4-H Dip and Dive Club held its second meeting on Tuesday, march 20, at the home of Sarah Howell.
Stamp collectors in the area will be interested in the annual meeting and convention of the Connecticut Philatelic Society which will be held on Saturday at the Christ Church parish House, Main Street, Stratford, beginning at 1:00 P.M. The general public is cordially invited to attend the meeting and view the exhibits. There is no charge for admission.

There will be a food sale sponsored Thursday night by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Oxford Congregational Church. The program will get under way at 8 in the parish hall.
The May Circle of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service will conduct a hobby show April 10 in the Methodist Church Hall. There will be a display of the Hobby articles from 2:30 to 9 P.M.

The Eight O’clock Club will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Theodore Durley on Cheshire Road this evening. Their guest speaker will be John J. Whitehead, who will show slides and talk on “Exploring the Wilderness of Brazil.” The card party held by the Club at the Town Hall last Saturday evening was most successful. Over ninety persons attended the affair. The proceeds of this fund-raising project go to augment the contribution which the Eight O’clock Club will make to the Congregational Church Building Fund.
At the regular meeting of the Board of Education held last Tuesday evening, members discussed the expenses of maintaining the Community School during the next year, including necessary major repairs. This budget will be presented to the Town at the Annual Board of Finance Hearing to be held in the Town Hall on April 18 at 8:00 P.M. The Board also is formulating a policy regarding the use of the school building for extra-curricular activities. This policy will be announced as soon as possible so that the many organizations which have asked for the use of the building may make plans in accordance with the regulation agreed upon.
The second meeting of the Town Building Committee will be held at the Town Hall on Monday evening, April 2, at 8:00 P.M.
Bethany Post No. 9990, V. F. W., is holding Atomic Defense First Aid Classes under the direction of Dr. Ned Shutkin at the Town Hall on Thursday evening. These classes are open to the public, and all interested persons are urged to attend.
Eugene Downs, a student at the University of Connecticut, spent the vacation period at the home of his family on Carrington Road. His call into the armed services has been postponed until the close of the academic year in June.

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gler, Mrs. Karl Unholtz, and Mrs. Charles Prouty. They will show clothes from the shops of Anne Buckley and Jean Kerin.
Mrs. Thomas Seymour will be Narrator.