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Warner School P.T.A.
An executive meeting of the Warner School Parent-Teacher Association will be held at the home of Mrs. Adolph Luciani on Monday evening, February 4. The officers of the organization and chairmen of committees will be present. These are: Mrs. Edwin Jawiz, President; Mrs. Adolph Luciani, Secretary; Mrs. Dominic DeRosa, Treasurer; Mrs. John Barone, Vice-President and Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee; Mrs. Robert Sykes, Sunshine; Mrs. Charles Butt, Publicity; and Mrs. L. Caruso, Membership. Mrs. S. Pisani will be hostess for the evening. Miss Matilda Bucholz, Principal of the William Warner School, will also attend.

12 Fountain St.     New Haven
Melodee Lane records
Children's - Classical

for courteous and dependable service, come to Kenney's Pharmacy
Corner of Whalley & Dayton
Phone 3-2571
Free Delivery
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded

Now at Whitlock's
new Gift Hit
sensational low-cost Parker "21"
No wonder it's so popular everywhere ... such a wise gift choice. Here's true Parker precision at a truly remarkable price. New "21" has exclusive smooth-gliding Octanium point ... fast-action filler ... and ... it writes dry with wet ink. Colors: Red, blue, green, black. Choice of points. Only $5.00
Pen and Pencil Set, $8.75
Whitlock's Inc.
Established 1900
15 Broadway
New Haven, Connecticut

One Hundred and Twenty Gather at School Supper
Photo by Edmondson
One hundred and twenty mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters of the fourth and fifth grade children in Mr. Marshall Abell's room gathered for a covered-dish supper at the Bethany Community School on Monday evening. The Room Mothers, Mrs. Grant Durley, Mrs. John Riley, and Mrs. Edmond Stronk, were in charge of the arrangement, and each family brought a casserole, a salad, or a dessert. The tables were set by Margaret Koval and Susan Vaill and were cleared by the fourth and fifth grade hosts.
After supper the parents met with Mr. Abell in his room, where they saw an exhibition of the work of his pupils and informally discussed problems which affect the children's life both at home and at school. In the meantime Principal James Warburton entertained the children with 2000 feet of movies in the school basement assembly room.
This unique experiment in home-school relationships proved to be most successful, and it is hoped that it will be repeated in the future.

Bethany Notes --
(Continued from Page 1)
The next meeting of the Jolly Juniors 4-H Club will be held on Tuesday, February 6, at the home of Elizabeth Mannel, beginning at 4:00 P.M.
The Ladies Aid of the First Church of Christ, Congregational, will meet at 1:30 P.M. on Wednesday, February 7, at the home of Mrs. Edward J. Worthington, on Amity Road. Hostesses will be Mrs. William Shaw and Mrs. William Coy. The Rev. Theodore Ledbetter, Pastor of Dixwell Avenue Congregational Church, will speak to the group on Talladega College.
A surprise house-warming party was given recently in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Johnson, Jr., in their new home on Naugatuck Road, Naugatuck. The guests brought gifts and served a buffet supper. The group included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe and Mrs. Ella Adams of Waterbury; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jones, Jr., of Stamford; Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar Sandell, Fred Stumpf, and Dudley Sandell of Naugatuck; and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hubert Carlson, Miss Jane Carlson, Miss Betsy Carlson, Miss Mabel Haskell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Downs, Mrs. Eva Rowe, Carol and Frank Johnson, all of Bethany.
The Nutmeg Flying Club, Inc. held its first meeting at the Bethany Airport on Monday evening, January 29. The members are Miss Adelaide Bornmann, of Bethany; Edward Gracon of Ansonia; Harry S. Hanna, Jr., Fred Page, and Charles Groff of New Haven; Oswald Ginnow of Bethany; Abbott Davis, Jr., of Woodbridge, President; Earl Peck of Woodbridge, Vice-President; and Lincoln Smith of Cheshire, Secretary-Treasurer. They are sharing the use and cost of a Piper Coupe which is kept at Bethany Airways, and they will hold regular
(Continued on Page 4)

1297 Whalley Ave.     Near Davis St.
Parkway Self-Service Launderette
Shirts -- Dry Cleaning -- Hosiery -- Toys -- Jewelry

We offer a Complete Assortment of Variety Store Merchandise At Reasonable Prices
5 - 10 - 25¢ Store

N. Kuljian, Inc.
Formerly Antaki's Oriental Rug Company
Expert Washing-Cleaning, Repairing, Storage, Dyeing and Demothing
Office and Plant: 66 Fitch Street
New Haven, Conn.     Phone 6-2969

1290 Whalley     Tel. 3-0903
Parkway Sandwich Bar
Sandwiches and Fountain Service
Open 7 A.M. to Midnight

if you are an Asthma or Sinus Sufferer try a Rexair in your home
Prescribed by many doctors
Miss Marion Davidson
Tel. 3-1809     Bethany

Amity Star on the Air
Last Friday afternoon this paper's Editor and Business Manager took part in a radio program over Station WKNB, New Britain, when they joined Floyd and Betty Pattee in their regular daily broadcast from the living-room of their home in Newington. The forty-five minute period from 1:00 to 1:45 P.M. was devoted to an informal discussion of books, the weather, gardens, Scottish kilts, the price of milk, children, small towns, The Amity Star, and other topics of interest. Many residents of the Bethany-Woodbridge area reported that they listened to the program.

One Hour Martinizing Is More Than Dry Cleaning
1327 Whalley Ave.

Bearer of this Ad will get 20% discount on any snowsuit throughout February.
Paul's Dept. Store
920 Whalley     Tel. 3-2224

Airport Service Station
Opposite Airport
Fresh Fruit
Naugatuck Dairy Ice Cream
Gas, Oil, Groceries
The place is small, yet we have a large variety of merchandise. Come in and look it over.
Otto Anderson, Prop.

New Stock of Lamp Shades Chosen for Our Customers
From the New York Lamp Show     Priced from 79¢ to $6.80
Jackson-Marvin Hardware Company
843 Whalley Ave.     Westville

Whitlock Farm
Sperry Road     Bethany
1951 Custom Dressing Rates
Chickens and Ducks
Killing & dressing ea. .20
Drawing & cutting up ea. .10
Wrapping for freezer ea. .10
Turkeys and Geese
Multiply above rates by 2.
We still have some of those broadbreasted Tom Turkeys at .50 lb.
whole or half --
They may never be so low again. It's cheap food.
See Our 45 lb. dressed Turkey on Television -- WNHC Fri. Feb. 2 -- 6 P.M.