Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Boy Scout Week Observed By Local Troop
By Dr. M. H. Brinton
This is Boy Scout Week all over the world. This is a time when the leaders of our country have cause to be thankful, that through the Boy Scout movement, untold millions of young men have received the vital training necessary to good citizenship, and to carry out their motto - "Be prepared."
Bethany, a member of Quinnipiac Council, Boy Scouts of America, is singularly fortunate in having an excellent troop of Boy Scouts, able leadership, and an unexcelled place for meetings. In our community a group of citizens sponsors the troop and are responsible to the
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Bethany Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Arnold of Downs Road announce the engagement of their daughter, Dalton, to Mr. Robert R. Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith Richardson of Greens Farms, Connecticut, and Greensboro, North Carolina. Miss Arnold attended Vassar College and is at persent living in New York City and working on the staff of Time Magazine. Mr. Richardson is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and is with the Vick Chemical Company.
Theodore Sizer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sizer of Carrington Road, has been selected to sing with a group of Yale College entertainers called the "Augmented Seven."
The Boys 4-H Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, February 13, at 7:30 P.M. at the home of Robert B. Williams on Cheshire Road. At this meeting the boys will discuss plans for their spring projects under the direction of their leader, Harland Tuttle. The group has elected the followingi officers: Justin Laborde, President; Charles Rusgrove, Vice-president; Alfred Comboni, Treasurer; and Arnold Riley, Secretary.
Last Friday evening, the Bethany Teenagers held thir first informal Recreation Night in the Community School from 9:00 until 11:00 o'clock. Thirty-five boys and girls from the seventh, eighth, and high school grades played basketball, pingpong, and badminton and did some square dancing. The group was assisted by the sponsoring committee composed of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Winter, Mrs. Lena Fenwick, and Mrs. Sidney Svirsky. The evening was considered a great success, and another Recreation Night is planned for the evening of Thursday, February 22, at 7:30 P.M.
Claudia Kerr is ill at her new home on Falls Road.
Stanley Downs, Jr., has returned to school after a long absence because of illness.
The Bethany Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday
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Town of Orange Invaded
Orange, Conn., Feb. 8 (By special correspondent in forward area) - This peaceful town of 3,019 inhabitants was invaded early today, without warning, by powerful forces moving in from the Woodbridge and Bethany area under the cover of darkness and camouflage. So far the invaders have been only tentatively identified as "Amity Stars," but local citizens are expected to make closer contact with them before noon, by which time their nature and intent may become generally known. Rumors of fifth-column assistance are apparently not without foundation, and it is possible that local vigilance groups may take appropriate action. As far as can be ascertained by correspondents, the invasion has been completely bloodless up to this point. Casualty lists are, therefore, lacking.
Bethany, Conn., Feb. 8 - An official spokesman for "The Amity Star" admitted, in a terse statement this morning, that orders for the invasion of Orange had been issued during the night, in accordance with a top-secret plan which has been in preparation for some time. When asked about details of the attack, he refused to give further information, for security reasons, except to state, categorically, that a "retreat, or withdrawal to previously-prepared positions for purposes of regrouping," was completely out of the question.
Lake Success, N.Y., Feb. 8 - Correspondents at the United Nations headquarters were unable early this morning to learn what action, if any, will be taken to brand "The Amity Star" an aggressor in its surprise invasion of the Town of Orange, Connecticut. One spokesman, who declined to allow the use of his name, said: "As far as I know, no official word of the invasion has reached the United Nations. I am not authorized to make any statement on the subject. I am only a doorman here. Please step aside - you're blocking the passage."
Orange Community Players To Present "Dear Ruth"
On February 23 and 24, the Community Players will present Norman Krasna's famous Broadway comedy, "Dear Ruth," at the Orange Center School. The play is being produced by the Paugusset Club of Orange as its first dramatic venture.
Mr. Warren Chamberlain of Sargent and Company, New Haven, is directing the cast made up of Orange residents. Mr. Chamberlain gained wide recognition during the war when he directed and produced nearly 200 plays for servicemen while he was on detached duty from the Ninth Air Force. This included the production of shows in this country and in France and England.
Members of the cast of "Dear Ruth," a story based on the antics of a precocious teen-age girl who tries to handle her sister's love life, are the following Orange residents: Mrs. Richard Bowerman, Mrs. George Whitney, Mrs. Charles Sims, Mr. Spencer Hoyt, Mr. Thomas O'Sullivan, Mr. Ben Chase, Mr. Thorne Corse, Miss Jean Hall, Miss Elaine Smith, and Mr. George Brixner, Jr. The cast was chosen as the result of auditions which were open to the public.
Members of the Paugusset Club who are heading committees are: Mr. John Gamsby, in charge of stage settings; Mrs. William Lindsay, Props; Mrs. Ben Chase, Costumes and Make up; Mr. Arthur Chambers, House Manager; Mrs. Charles Sims, Business Manager; Mrs. Thorne Corse, Program; and Mrs. William Lindsay, Concession.
Mr. Robert Pastorius is the Stage Manager and Mr. George
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Your Town Officers: the 1st Selectmen
(Editor's Note: This is the fourth in a series of articles dealing with the various activities, organizations, and officials of the two Towns. The General Statutes of the State of Connecticut specify that the "selectmen of each town shall superintend the concerns of the town, adjust and settle all claims against it and draw orders on the treasurer for their payment." In this issue we present sketches of the Chief Executive Officers of Bethany and Woodbridge. Their colleagues on the Boards of Selectmen will be covered at a later date.
Photo by Edmondson
Wallace S. Saxton
Wallace S. Saxton, First Selectman of Bethany, was born in Brooklyn, New York, on December 1, 1871. After attending Brooklyn schools, he moved to Farmingdale, Long Island, and at the age of fifteen went to work in a factory "nailing picture frames together." Returning to Brooklyn, he was employed in the manufacture of cameras, an occupation which he followed for some years there and later in Huntington, Long Island.
In 1898 the Saxtons moved to New Haven, where he continued to make cameras, and they shortly thereafter built the first house on Helen Street in Hamden. In 1905 they took up their residence in Bethany, where Mr. Saxton was engaged in raising poultry, apples, and peaches until his retirement from active farming in 1950.
Mr. Saxton was Second Selectman in 1921-1922 and Representative in the Legislature in 1923. He has been a member of the Board of Assessors for 24 years and has served as First Selectman since 1944. He also drove the school bus for a period of ten years.
He is a Charter Member of the Bethany Grange, which he has served as Treasurer for 26 years, and for 20 years he has been Treasurer and Senior Warden of Christ Church. He was also a Founder and Charter Member of the Bethany Fire Department.
Mr. and Mrs. Saxton recently celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary, as recorded in last week's issue of this paper. A description of their family was included in that issue - but a statistical correction should be made at this time: they have nineteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Amity Star Photo
Theodore R. Clark
Theodore R. Clark, First Selectman of Woodbridge, was born in this Town on October 28, 1903. He attended the Orange Grammar School, Hillhouse High School, and the Connecticut Agricultural College at Storrs (now the University of Connecticut).
Returning to Woodbridge in 1924, he engaged in farming until 1947. On July 1 in that year he began his first term as the Town's Chief Executive. He has also served a nine-year term as a Grand Juror, and has been otherwise active in Republican Party affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark live on Race Brook Road, not far from the Wilbur Cross Parkway underepass. They have four daughters: Mrs. Milton Mapes, Mrs. Elving C. Nordmark, and the Misses Arden and Virginia Clark.
Warner Graduate To Entertain At Meeting Tonight
The regular monthly meeting of the William H. Warner School P.T.A. will be held on Thursday evening, February 8, at 8:00 P.M. in the new auditorium room of the school. The members will have as their guest that evening, Victor Tibaldeo, Accordian Player. Mr. Tibaldeo is a graduate of the William Warner school and of the Yale School of Music. Several of his pupils will join him in the program. Refreshments wil be served by the Hospitality Committee, whose chairman is Mrs. Salvatore Pisani. The committee includes Mrs. Anthony Perrotti, Mrs. Richard R. Ciarleglio, and Mrs. Salvatore Yaccarino.
Woodbridge Notes
On January 20, in the Anglican Church in Innsbruck, Austria, Miss Joyce Bainton, daughter of Professor and Mrs. Roland H. Bainton, of Amity Road, was married to Mr. William Peck, son of the Rev. and Mrs. H. Dudley Peck, presently of Hartford. The bride is a graduate of Smith College, 1949, and for the past year has been working with displaced persons in Austrian and German camps, under the auspices of the Congregational Christian Service Committee. Mr. Peck graduated from Yale in 1949. He is in charge of refugee work in the French zone of Austria, with headquarters at Innsbruck.
The Woodbridge Grange #108 will hold its regular meeting at the Woodbridge Memorial Town Hall on Wednesday, February 14, at 8:00 P.M. Worthy Lecturer Mrs. Henrietta Egan announces that the program will be "Hearts are Trumps". Mrs. Stella Miner wil be chairman of a committee in charge of serving refreshments.
The second of six Wednesday evening Lenten Meetings will be held in the Parlor of the First Church of Christ, Woodbridge, on February 14, at 8:00 P.M. The speaker will be Robert J. Hawthorne, Assistant Pastor and a student at the Yale Divinity School. His topic will be: "The Call of the Protestant Ministry."
A son, John Lockyer, was born on January 11 to Mr. and Mrs. William M. Thompson, of Charlotte, North Carolina. Mrs. Thompson is the former Elissabeth Lockyer of Woodbridge.
On February 15, at 2:00 P.M., the Ladies Aid of the First Church of Christ, Woodbridge, will meet. Mrs. John Magee, wife of the Episcopal Chaplain at Yale, will give a Lenten talk. The worship service will be conducted by Mrs. Robert J. Hawthorne, wife of the Assistant Pastor.
The postponed meeting of the Woodbridge Parent-Teacher Association of Center School will be held in the School auditorium on February 15 at 8:00 P.M. Carroll Alton-Means will speak on collecting Valentines, and Mrs. Lionel Sutfin
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