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Woodbridge Notes --
(Continued from Page 1)
will preside as Chairman of the meeting.
Mrs. Charles Sackett, of South Pease Road, was taken ill last week and was removed to the hospital. In her absence those members of her family of nine children who live at home have taken over the duties of running the household. The oldest son, Charles, left on Monday for volunteer duty with the Tank Corps. Mr. Sackett is active in Woodbridge American Legion affairs.
Charles Edwin Butt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Butt of Amity Road, returned Sunday evening to the University of Connecticut at Storrs, where he is a student. He spent several dayas with his parents during the mid-year exam period.
Mrs. Albert W. Ryan of Bradley Highland was confined to her home by illness last week.
Jack Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Bauer of Perkins Road, has been spending a week at home. Jack is completing his final year's work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Naval History at the University of Indiana.
Mr. Frank W. Smith of North Pease Road was awarded a fifty-year certificate at the meeting of the Woodbridge Grange on January 24.
Woodbridge Center School conducted a very successful March of Dimes drive from January 22 through February 1. Chairman Audrey Melbourne was aided by Assistant Chairman Elaine Pendleton, and the Committee members were Denise Kellner, Sally Watrous, and Patty Robinson. Miss Mary A. Fanning was Teacher-Sponsor. Center School had two teams -- "The Growlers" (boys) and "The Prowlers" (girls). The boys won with a total of fourteen cents more than the girls and were, therefore, rewarded with a movie show on February 5. They saw "How Polio Strikes" and "High Spots of a High Country." The total amount raised in the drive was $584.40, of which $200.00 was collected by the children of the Woodbridge elementary schools.
On Sunday, February 11, the drama group of the Woodbridge Club will present another in a series of walking readings, a one-act play directed by Alan C. Smith of Northrop Road.
Nancy Penington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Penington, and Donna Vidal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seelye Vidal, are to be congratulated upon maintaining their positions in the closely-contested competition for the Editorial Board of the Hillhouse High School Sentinel.
The Mothers Club will hold its regular monthly meeting on February 19 in the Social Rooms at the First Church of Christ. Mrs. Thomas Seymour urges all interested to plan to attend to hear an interesting talk by Mrs. Zang.
The Workshop of the Woodbridge Club is holding tryouts for the casting of its next play, Wormwood Manor, written by Mr. Edwin R. Meiss of Ford Road. This production, a family comedy in three acts, is to be given on April 12, 13, and 14. One try-out was held on Sunday afternoon, February 4, and all those interested in trying out for the play are urged to come on Sunday, February 11, from 3:30 to 4:30 P.M.
The American Legion, Post 120 of Woodbridge, has announced a paper drive for Sunday, the 11th of February, starting at 10:00 A.M. All residents of the Town are urged to have papers tied and ready for collection at this hour. The proceeds of this drive will go towards the building fund of the Legion Post.

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Woodbridge Park Tour Enjoyed By Enthusiastic Group On Sunday
About fifteen persons joined Newton H. Street on Sunday afternoon for a walk through the Alice Newton Street Memorial Park in Woodbridge, with Mr. Street, donor of the area, as guide. Weather conditions were ideal, with brilliant sunshine and crisp air, and newly-fallen snow blanketed the woodland.
The tour, sponsored by the Woodbridge Men's Club, began at the Park entrance, near the Center, and proceeded by way of the so-called "Blue Trail" in a northwesterly direction to the boundary of the Stoddard property, completing the circuit via the "North End" and "East Side" Trails.
This Memorial Park was begun in 1928, when Mr. Street gave 82 acres of forest land north of the Town Hall as a memorial to his mother. Later on the entrance from Meeting House Lane was improved through the donation of 2 1/2 acres by Chester C. Hitchcock and a half-acre by the Ecclesiastical Society. Mrs. Howard E. Adt gave a bronze tablet, which is set in a boulder at the entrance, and the Woodbridge Garden Club has been active in developing the natural beauty of the area.
The Park is maintained under the supervision of the Woodbridge Park Association, Inc., which was formed in 1928 by Herbert H. Tomlinson, Clifford I. Stoddard, Clarence F. Baldwin, and Clayton S. Squires. The present officers of the Association are: President, Warren Doolittle; Vice-President, Otto Schulz; Secretary and Treasurer, Marion Hotchkiss; Directors, Carl Clark, Theodore Clark, Marion Downey, Chester Hitchcock, Edwin Meiss, Frank Mitchell, John Morse, Mary Russell, Ruth Stephenson, Clifford Stoddard, and Newton Street.
Any resident of Woodbridge, or anyone owning property in the Town, is eligible for membership in the Association.
Amity Star Photo
Part of the group which made the Sunday tour of the Alice Newton Street Memorial Park: shown in this photograph are Newton H. Street, donor of the Park area and guide for the tour; Dr. H. Bruno Arnold, William Stoddard, Gerard Langeler, Mrs. William M. Howland, Carl W. Clark, the Rev. Francis P. Randall, Phillip B. and Ernst E. Arnold, Richard M. Townsend, Silas P. Mansfield, Billy and Johnny German, and Donald Anderson.

(Continued from page 3)
leauge lead. The evening's highlight was the Airport's 2 to 1 win over Andersons, a tight match right up to the last box, when Clyde Hicks (314) pulled a spare in the overtime to tip the balance. Bill Evers's high-game score of 145 was a deciding factor in the Grange victory over the Firemen -- in 1 game, at least. The other two went to the smoke-eaters. The Garage found a 354 by Bob Claus useful in suqsing the Church, which had the spiritual help of a 332 chalked up by Warren Downs. This was another 2 to 1 match. The only clean sweep of the evening was the 3 to 0 trouncing given by the Drillers to the Landowners. Driller H. Simpson accounted for 355, which was partially offset by Owner Bunton's 341.
The Bethany Basketball team won a hard contest from the New Haven Methodists, 32 to 26, on Tuesday evening, in the Troup Junior High School gym. Scoring was led by MacDonald, with 12 points, with Simpson, Giblin, Johnson, and Winter following in that order.

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