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Boy Scouts --
(Continued from page 1)
National Council and receive a charter each year.
The first troop in Bethany was organized in April of 1932, when a grouop of citizens, under the leadership of Mr. Frank Fowler, Scout Commissioner, met and decided that Bethany, like other towns, should have scouting. Included in this group were William Bice, Norman Peck, the late Sanford Price, Dr. Shelton, Sherman Woodward, and I. During its infancy the troop had three Scoutmasters, Mr. Culver Floyd, Mr. Walter Hayes, and Mr. Otto Schon. In 1942 Mr. Norman Peck took over as Scoutmaster, and through his efforts and those of a loyal troop committee, scouting was carried on through the war years, to bring it up to date, an integral and important part of our educational system, in the development of the physical and moral character of our local boys. Practically all the young men who are going into the services from Bethany at the present time received valuable basic trining under Mr. Peck, Scoutmaster, and Mr. Warren Downs, Assistant Scoutmaster.
Mr. Downs has recently taken over as Scoutmaster, with Mr. Peck as Assistant. A switch such as this could happen only in Boy Scouting.
The present troop of Scouts numbers about thirty - practically all the available boys in town eleven years and older. Responsibility for the moral training and physical development of these lads is great, and Mr. Downs has the active cooperation of a troop committee, the members of which are on hand each Friday night, ready to help out.
In observance of Boy Scout Week (and the radio throughout the land will call attention to it), all troops will attend divine worship at some church, besides carrying out programs suitable to the occasion at their local meetings.
Bethany Boy Scouts do many things besides ganing advancement and merit badges. They conduct paper-drives twice a year, with every penny of the proceeds going to provide equipment, etc., for the local unit. Scouts take an important part in the Memorial Day Program, and it is their privilege to decorate the graves of veterans in the local cemeteries. The very best group of brush-fire fighters in Bethany was composed of local Boy Scouts.
Two men in our community have received the highest award in Scouting -- the Silver Beaver -- which has been given to Mr. Frank Fowler and Mr. Norman Peck by Quinnipiac Council, in recognition of their outstanding work among boys.
While the Scoutmaster, Mr. Downs, and his Assistant, Mr. Peck, actually run the troop, the following citizens of Bethany, comprising the Troop Committee, are respoinsible for the program of Scouting: Mr. Theodore Earley, Mr. Frank Fowler, Mr. John Gervasoni, Mr. Edward Lee, Mr. Barnard Ould, Mr. Henry Riley, Mr. Harold Simpson, Mr. Russell Winter, and I.
The following boys are members of Troop 1, Bethany, B.S.A.: Robert Brinton, Frederick Clark, John Downs, Warren Downs, Jr., John Edmondson, Gary Fuller, John Gervasoni, Russell Jackson, James Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Raymond Johnson, Russell LaCroix, John Lonergan, Thomas O'Rourke, Peter Ould, Arnold Riley, Lee Riley, Charles Rusgrove, Galen Sarno, Herman Scott, Raymond Sharron, Harold Simpson, Jr., Robert Simpson, Robert Stickle, Howard Williams, Robert B. Williams, Robert C. Williams, Ronald Williams, Bruce Winter, and Russell Winter.

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Wanted to Rent -- 5-room apt. or 6-room house near bus line, greater New Haven area. Call Advertising Manager, Zemel Bros., 5-9904.
Wanted to Rent -- 4 or 5 rooms, single house preferred. Address Box D, Amity Star.
For Sale -- 3-year-old pure-bred registered Hampshire ram, $75. John EArley, 3-0757.
For Sale -- Office typewriter, $15. Pony saddle in good condition. Call 3-6186 after 6:00 P.M.
Notice -- Mrs. John Gervasone will care for pre-school children at her home on Bethmour Road during the day. Call 3-1715.
Bear Hill Road, Bethany -- Farmhouse for rent -- 3, 6, or 9 rooms. Also Modern 6-room house for Sale or Rent. Bruce Robertson, 3-4310.
For Rent -- 1, 2, or 4 room Apartments available. Call 3-1017.
For Sale -- Bendix washing machine, 3 1/2 years old, needs repairs. Yours for $20. Call 3-1682.
Notice -- All news items and requests for information can be addressed to "The Amity Star", R.F.D. #2, Bethany, or called in at New Haven 3-1682.

Bethany Notes
Sixteen men and two trucks of the Bethany Fire Department responded to an alarm at 10:30 P.M. on January 31, at the Sherman Woodward house on Fairwood Road. A blow-torch, used to thaw pipes in the kitchen of the arpartment of Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Colton, had set fire to a partition, but the flames were extinguished before the arrival of the firement, who were delayed by icy roads and the extremely cold weather.
The Boy Scout Troop is planning to have its semi-annual paper drive early in March. All residents are asked to save papers in neatly-tied bundles to be ready for collection.

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Boys': 3 pair, sizes 1, 4, & 6. Tel. 3-1384.
Boys': 1 pair, new, size 7. Tel. 3-0603.
Boys': 1 pair, size 5
Girls': 2 pair, sizes 3 & 4. Tel. 3-1682.
Wanted: Boy's, size 11. 3-0603.

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New Haven, Conn.
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