Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bethany Boys Win 4-H Awards For Livestock
Two Bethany boys have recently received additional recognition of their outstanding achievements in 4-H Club work. They are Arnold Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riley of Amity Road, and Justin Laborde, son of Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. Laborde of Bethmour Road. The boys were selected by Mr. R. W. Whaples, State Director of 4-H Clubs, to receive awards from the Bryant & Chapman-R. G. Miller & Sons Company. They will be guests of the copmany on a tour of the Hartford plant on February 24 and then will receive the awards at a dinner to be given at the Hotel Bond in Hartford.
Arnold Riley, who is 12 years old, has been in 4-H Dairy Club work for three years and has won an Achievement Certificate each year. Justin Laborde, 11 years old, has won an Achievement Certificate for each of his two years 4-H work. To win such a certificate a member must: 1: Own and care for one or more dairy animals for at least six months. 2. Keep accurate project records and submit an annual report to the local leader or the County Club Agent by November 15. 3. Appear on the club program at least twice during the year and take part in discussion at meetings. 4. Attend one or more outside events such as Junior Short Course, exhibit at a fair, take a field trip, or talk to an outside group.
Arnold won first prize in Grade Class (6 months to 1 year) with his Jersey heifer at the New Haven County Fair in Orange in 1949. In 1950, his second year of showing, he again won first prize in Grade Class with the same heifer and also first prize in Showmanship for all dairy animals in New Haven County. This latter award is made by the Connecticut Jersey Cattle Club and is recognition of the splendid work done by a member in caring for his animals.
Justin won two prizes in his first year of showing at the County fair in Orange last summer. He took first prize in Grade Class with his Holstein heifer and third prize in Showmanship.
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Shown at the New Haven County 4-H Fair in Orange, Arnold Riley, of Bethany, with "Princess," his prize Jersey heifer.
Town Meeting Names Committee on Building
Capital Needs of Town To Be Studied for Later Report; Grant Accepted
At a special Town meeting held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Russell P. Winter, Chairman of the Bethany Board of Education, graphically illustrated the necessity for immediate planning with regard to the Town's educational facilities. Mr. Winter used a large chart of enumeration figures to show the great increase in expected enrollment in the next six years. The present enrollment at the Community school is 178 -- about thirty children in each of six rooms. This is considered maximum room capacity for effective education. The enrollment for 1951, already recorded at 193, will necessitate accommodating the eighth grade at Troup Junior High School in New Haven. In 1952 it will be necessary to arrange for both the seventh and eighth grades to receive schooling out of town. By 1953 the recorded enrollment shows 191 for the first six grades alone. Even without the 5% increase on these figures to account for normal town growth, this means a terrific strain on the present facilities and, Mr.
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Officials at Special Town Meeting
Town Clerk Sidney Svirsky, First Selectman Wallace S. Saxton, and Moderator Arthur H. Kinney, at the Bethany Town Hall.
February 1951
B -- Bethany
O -- Orange
S -- Seymour
W -- Woodbridge
Thursday, February 22
B -- Teenage Recreation Night, Community School.
B -- Christ Church Ladies' Guild, home of Mrs. W. J. Stevens 8:00 P.M.
B -- Eight O-Clock Club, home of Mrs. Edgar Cartmell, 8:00 P.M.
B -- Post 9990, VFW, Town Hall, 8:00 P.M.
Friday, February 23
W -- Young People's Square Dance, W. Club 8 to 12.
O -- "Dear Ruth," Center School, 8:30 P.M.
Saturday, February 24
B -- Basketball: Bethany Boys vs. Bethesda, New Haven YMCA.
O -- "Dear Ruth," Center School, 8:30 P.M.
W -- Mardi Gras Dance, W. Club
Sunday, February 25
O -- Worship Service, Congregational Church.
O -- Young People's Forum, Church, 7:00 P.M.
W -- Worship Service, First Church of Christ, 10:30 A.M.; Dr. James Englsih, speaker
W -- Young People's meeting, Church Parlors, 6:00 P.M.; Mr. Randall, speaker.
Monday, February 26
B -- Community School reopens.
O -- Center School reopens.
W -- League of Women Voters, home of Mrs. Wadsworth Stone, 2:00 P.M.; Mrs. William Nyham, speaker.
W -- Stubby Fingers 4-H Club, home of Mrs. E. LaBrake.
W -- Executive Committee, Men's Club, Church Parlors, 8:00 P.M.
Tuesday, February 27
B -- Catholic Women's Guild, home of Mrs. Joseph Jesodowich.
O -- PTA, Center School library, 8:00 P.M.; Dr. Milton Senn, speaker.
Wednesday, February 28
B -- Well-Child Conference, Dental Clinic, Clark Memorial Library.
W -- Grange, Town Hall, 8:00 P.M.
W -- Lenten Meeting, First Church of Christ, 8:00 P.M.; Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz, speaker.
Coming Events
March 1
B -- Four Leaf Clover Club, home of Miss Kathryn Cartmell.
March 2
W -- Fire Department's Annual Ball, Town Hall.
March 3
B -- Bingo, Town Hall, auspices Fire Dept., 8:00 P.M.
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Orange P.T.A. Issues Invitation
The Orange Parent-Teacher Association extends an invitation to members of the Bethany and Woodbridge PTA's to attend the next meeting in the library of the Orange Center School on Tuesday evening, February 27, at 8:00 o'clock. The speaker will be Dr. Milton Senn, head of the Child Study Clinic at Yale, who will tell of the Clinic's functions and how its services can be used by parents of this area. A short business meeting wil precede Dr. Senn's talk.
Officers of the Orange PTA are: President, Mrs. Albert M. Gesler; Vice-President, Mrs. Alfred Moeller; Secretary, Mrs. David Hungerford; Treasurer, Daniel Schmitt, Jr.: and Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. James Brown.
Orange Masons Hear Talk By Lieut. Governor
The Masonic Square Club of Orange held a dinner meeting last Tuesday at the Orange Congregational Church. They had as their guest the Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut Edward N. Allen, president of Sage-Allen Copmany of Hartford. Following an entertaining talk by Lieutenant-Governor Allen, a program of vocal and instrumental music was presented. The arrangements were made by the Advisory Board of the Club, which includes Herbert L. Emanuelson, Gordon K. Atwood, Robert T. Baldwin, Albert M. Gesler, Carl A. Peterson, Roy R. Warner, Roger MacKenzie, and George W. Perkins. The officers of the Masonic Square are: Howard J. Graff, President; William E. Schulz, Vice President; George M. Curtiss, Secretary and Treasurer; and the Reverend Lewis E. Purdum, Chaplain.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mr. Louis Clini of 84 Norfolk Street, West Haven, announce the engagement of their daughter, Emma, to Pfc. Joseph Cuzzocreo, U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cuzzocreo of Orange Avenue, Orange.
St. Ann's Parish Ladies Hold Successful Party
The St. Ann's Society of the Assumption Church in Woodbridge sponsored a most successful bridge party in the home of Mrs. Andrew Cretella, Litchfield Turnpike, in Woodbridge last Monday evening. Chairman of the affair was Mrs. John Perrotti, assisted by Mrs. Charles Gara and Mrs. John Testa.
The list of over forty-five guests included: The Mrs. Salvatore DeLucia, Jack Canapari, Dominick Perrotti, Joseph Donato, Charles Perrotti, Bella Marcucci, William DeRosa, Salvatore Pisani, George DeLeone, Louis Pasquarillo, Louis Sticco, Ettore Luciani, Lena Pignatare, Louis Luciani, Nicholas Testa, Andrew Mongillo, Caesar Perrotti, Marie Vece, Charles Reither, Ralph Perrotti, Nicholas Batista, John Fasula, Basil Mangini, Ann Potanziani, Anthony Perrotti, Sam Perrotti, Vito Luciani, Anna Fusco, John Carola, Louis Celentano, Ralph Arnone, John Barone, and Carrie Moelli.
Cookies and coffee were werved to the party and some cakes and cookies were sold at the close of the evening.
The proceeds are to go into the church building fund.
Woodbridge Club Will Hold Fashion Show
Mrs. Curtiss Thompson has announced that plans are being completed for the fashion show and bridge to be held by the Woodbridge Club in the clubhouse on Tuesday evening, March 5.
Assisting Mrs. Paul Vestal with arrangements for the fashion show are: Staging, Mrs. A. Scott Paterson, Mrs. Daniel Morrill, Mr. Carl Hartshorn, Mr. James Angier, Mr. George Rippere, Mr. John Shappell, Mr. Harry Wintsch; music, Miss Claire Bauer, Mr. Thomas Seymour; lighting, Mr. George Michel, properties, Mrs. Wilson Chatfield, and publicity, Mrs. John C. Fitz Gerald.
Club members who will act as models are the following: Mrs. Charles Bauer, Mrs. Eugene Cliffton, Mrs. Martin Lynn, Mrs. Elliott Plowe, Mrs. John O'Connor, Mrs. David Dean Smith Jr., Mrs. Ernest
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Woodbridge Ladies at Card Party
Scene at the bridge party sponsored by the St. Ann's Society, at the home of Mrs. Andrew Cretella, last Monday Evening.