Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1951 Heart Campaign Well Along Towards Goal In Area
Mrs. Ernest Waldner of Orange, Mrs. Robert Salinger of Woodbridge, Dr. Oscar Rogol of Seymour, and Dr. Morton Loeb of Bethany are chairmen of the local area groups working with the 1951 New Haven Heart Fund to raise $25,000 to provide "new hope for hearts."
To date, the New Haven district is "farther along" towards meeting its annual goal than last year at this time, Harold F. Woodcock, vice president and chairman of finance for the New Haven organization, told "The Star".
Seventy-five per cent of all money received in this area will be put to work to implement the programs of the three year old New Haven Heart Association in research.
General Chairman Elsa M. Montgomery said this week, "A large majority of the people of all the divisions of our district know that their contributions are necessary to support the heart programs in the community, and to combat heart disease."
The chief programs to be supported locally include work at the Children's Rheumatic Fever and Cardiac Diagnosis Clinic and the Cardiovascular Study Unit of the Yale Medical School, both of which are located at the Grace-New Haven Community Hospital.
In addition to supporting this work, other objectives of the New Haven Heart Association include an expanding program of research, surveys, collaboration with the State Department of Health, the New Haven Hospital, Yale Medical School and the Connecticut Heart Association for the establishment of a job evaluation and job placement clinic for classifying cardiacs as to employability and rehabilitation.
The organization does not at present have an office or paid staff. Work is carried on entirely by volunteers. As it grows and expands there will be a need for these and it is hoped that in the near future enough money can be raised to warrant the expenditure.
Present officers include: President, Dr. Joseph Mignone; Vice-president & Chairman of Finance, Mr. Harold F. Woodcock; Secretary, Miss Elsa M. Montgomery; Treasurer, Mr. Lester A. Chamberlin and Publicity Chairman, Mr. William E. Haesche, Jr.
Dr. Arthur Geiger is chairman of the Education committee and the committee on research.
Dr. Ruth Whittemore is director of the clinic at the New Haven Hospital which carries out research projects designated by the board. Research is done also at St. Raphael's Hospital.
Orange Girl Named "Queen of Hearts"
Linda Hickey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hickey of Dogwood Road, Orange, as "Queen of Hearts" made the first fund solicitation from Mayor William C. Celentano to officially open the greater New Haven 1951 Heart Fund Drive at the beginning of the month. Linda, who is three years old, is a special research project of the rheumatic fever clinic directed by Dr. Ruth Whittemore at the New Haven Hospital, which is partly financed by New Haven Heart Association funds.
Over-The-Counter Insurance
Real Estate Photo Display
Harry Merwin
Gas Oil Lubrication
Westville Motor Service
Dayton -- Whalley Ave
New Haven Phone 3-0940
The Station with the Accessory Store
Repairs Accessories
38 Fountain St. Tel. 3-1690
Heritage Shop
Watch for Corot Jewelry on the Vanity Fair Television Show Tuesdays at 4:30
Jewelry by Coco
Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
Krum's Candies Fresh Every Week
March 3
Bethany Town Hall
adults .50
children .25
Under the Auspices of Bethany Fire Department
Child of The Year Entry Coupon at Edward's Kiddie Korner
1331 Whalley Tel. 3-4363.
Snow suits $6.49 up (values $15.00)
Dresses $1.39, $2.39, $3.30
Robes $1.98, $2.59, $2.98 (values $3.75)
Flannel Shirts
Winter Hats
Sweaters $2.69 (values $3.98)
Pajamas, Sleepers, Polos, Ladies' Nylon Stockings $1.09 -- Reg. $1.35. Pajamas and House Dresses 2 for $5.00.
Town Meeting --
(Continued from page 1)
Winter pointed out, it is the responsibility of the Board of Education to provide at least adequate schools.
Another side of the picture which has been under discussion for some years is whether the high schools of New Haven can continue to accommodate our older pupils. In this regard, there is also a question as to how the already high (and probably increasing) tuition costs for out-of-town high schools compare with similar costs were Bethany to join with other nearby towns in building a high school in the area. The comparative advantages of the curricula under these two different arrangements is a subject which also needs much study.
The School Boards of Bethany, Orange, and Woodbridge have recently had several joint meetings to discuss these problems, which are their common concern. The Bethany Board of Education feels very strongly that provision of good schools is the responsibility of the entire town, and that the problem is closely linked with other town needs.
Since a projection of the enumeration figures indicates that some sort of additional school building here is necessary within two or three years, Mr. Winter made the motion that a committee be appointed immediately to work with the Board of Education in planning to meet thse needs.
At the opening of the meeting, Wallace S. Saxton, First Selectman, had announced the appointment of a committee to investigate the need for a new Town Hall, in accordance with a motion passed at the Special Town Meeting of November 20, 1950. After Mr. Winter's motion, an amendment was offered by J. Stephen Knight to: (a) consolidate the two committees; (b) to expand same to make it representative of all interests in the town; and (c) to include consideration of all the capital needs of the Town, such as adequate housing of the Town records, etc. This amended motion was passed.
The members of the committee are: Wallace S. Saxton, Ralph R. Downs, and Edward H. Hinman, Selectmen; Stanley H. Downs, Harold Simpson, Nathan Podoloff, Frank J. Murray, Clifford W. Wilcox, Thomas H. Brown, Willis R. Thompson, Mrs. Anna Brinton, Wesley Doolittle, W. Bruce Robertson, Frank Zaica, Raymond G. Short, Mrs. Alice Vaill, J. Stephen Knight, Sidney Svirsky, Mrs. Anna Carrington, Kendrick J. Gooch, Chester B. Kerr, Theodore Durley, Donald Disbrow, A. Raymond Johonson, Arnold Peterson, Henry P. Treffers, Horace W. Isleib, Dr. Ned M. Shutkin, and Otto Reil. This committee is to report to a Town meeting at a later date.
In the only other action taken at the meeting, the Town formally accepted the grant of $20,677.53 from the State of Connecticut for the Community addition completed in 1949.
Arthur H. Kinney served as Moderator.
Strand Theater, Seymour
Telephone 404
February 22 through 28
Thurs. - Willie Comes Marching Home - Dan Dailey and Wiliam Demarest - The Lawless.
Fri. and Sat. - Holiday Inn, Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire; Beyond the Purple Hills, Gene Autry
Sun. and Mon. - She Wore A Yellow Ribbon - John Wayne and Joanne Dru - Blondie's Hero.
Tues. and Wed. - Cinderella - The Great Rupert.
The Salem Playhouse
Telephone 2944
February 22 through 28
Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Branded, Allan Ladd, Mona Freeman; Walt Disney's Dumbo.
Sun. and Mon. - Storm Warning, Ginger Rogers, Ronald Reagan; Where Danger Lives, Robert Mitchum.
Tues. and Wed. - At War With the Army, Dean Martin, Jenny [Jerry] Lewis; Why Korea?
1297 Whalley Ave. Near Davis St.
Parkway Self-Service Launderette
Shirts -- Dry Cleaning -- Hosiery -- Toys -- Jewelry
We offer a Complete Assortment of Variety Store Merchandise At Reasonable Prices
5 - 10 - 25¢ Store
Woodbridge Catholic Women Hold Meeting
On Wednesday evening the Catholic Women of Woodbridge held their monthly meeting in the Woodbridge Town Hall. The program consisted of a question and answer period, followed by an evening of card playing.
The hostess for the evening was Mrs. Arthur Roetting. She was assisted by Mrs. Ernest Scherb, Mrs. Frederick Knodel, and Mrs. William Trumbly.
The officers for the coming year were elected at the February meeting. They are: Mrs. James O'Neill, chairman; Mrs. Lewis Beach, co-chairman; Mrs. Robert Ostrander, sunshine chairman, and Mrs. Ronald R. Smith, secretary and publicity chairman. Other members of the board of governors are: Mrs. Edward LaBrake, Mrs. Thomas Hughes, Mrs. Arthur Roetting, and Mrs. John Ryan.
Complete Line of Cold Cuts -- Frozen Foods
Lou's Delicatessen
1350 Whalley Avenue
Tel. 3-0229
Open 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. weekdays and 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Sundays
Art's Package Store
Drive out to Art's and Save!
Budweiser, Pabst or Schlitz
6 cans or 6 bottles $1.00
Case $3.95
Many Other Savings on Wine and Liquor. From Woodbridge, drive out to the Derby Turnpike, then to Racebrook Road, then to Post Road; turn left on Post Road 1/4 mile and look for the neon sign Package Store in left side of road.
Post Road Orange
Tel.: SY 9-2149
Race Brook Road Orange
Telephone: SYcamore 9-2288
Pyrofax Gas Service
Complete Gas Service for Homes Beyond the Gas Mains
New and Used Ranges, Refrigerators, Water Heaters, and Heating Equipment
22 Washington's Birthday
According to the historians, George Washington never did chop down that cherry tree -- but according to the calendar, it is time for you to begin pruning fruit trees & grape-vines. We have all the necessary cutting and trimming tools, in a wide variety of sizes and in a price-range to fit almost any budget.
Jackson-Marvin Hardware Company
843 Whalley Ave. Westville