Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Seymour Notes --
(Continued from page 3)
The Methodist Church of Seymour is holding special services every Wednesday evening during Lent. The service is followed by a Bible class.
Last Monday evening the Seymour Women's Club had as their guest Mrs. Jack Abbels, who talked on Leathercraft and had arranged a most interesting display at the Library. The speaker was introduced by Miss Lena Ippolito, Chairman of the Arts and Crafts Committee of the Club.
The Seymour schools will be closed until Monday, March 5.
The Ladies Guild of the Methodist Church will have a chicken pie supper on Thursday evening in the parish house from 5:00 to 7:30 P.M. The public is cordially invited. The following is a list of the committees in charge of the dinner -- Posters: Mrs. Cosette Laffargo, Mrs. George Candee; Tickets: Mrs. T. D. Chamberlain, Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. Robert Gorham; Dining Room: Mrs. Roy Gibney, Mrs. William Hissey, Mrs. Frank Layden; Kitchen: Mrs. Elmer Machardy, Mrs. Howard Chatfield, Mrs. Howard Waldron, Mrs. Mary Carlson, Mrs. Mary Gorham, Mrs. R. J. Walker, Mrs. Charles Dutcher, Mrs. H. Y Baldwin, Mrs. Edmund Trounson, and Mrs. Albert Thayer.
The students of Seymour High School are making plans for a Sophomore Spring Swing on March 9. An orchestra will play for dancing from 8:00 until 11:30, and the main event of the evening will be a contest to guess what "the Thing" is. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the contest. The committee in charge includes: Joan Beshinsky, Gay Hanley, Jean Killian, Natalie Hummel, Norma Barbera, Jeanette Boycik, Barbara Rasicot, Patricia Cox, Sandra Parsons, Colette Delmar, Diane Donovan, Teresa Fitzgerald, Flora Rudenko, and Henry Chatfield. The group is under the direction of Miss Lizbeth Hart and Mr. Irving Gaylor.
Mr. and Mrs. David Herman have recently taken up residence on Seymour Road in Woodbridge. Mr. Herman is associated with Mr. Owen Brenner in the Seymour Paper Mill.
Harvey Johns, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Johns of Maple Street, was inducted into the U.S. Marine Corps Monday, January 29, at Hartford and left for Paris Island, South Carolina, where he will receive his basic traning.
Carl Dahn, co-captain of Seymour High School's 1949 football squad, left Febrary 1 for the Marine Corps. Dahn was one of the most outstanding athletes ever developed at the Seymour High School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahn.
Notice to Seymour readers: This is the last issue of "The Amity Star" which will be sent via general mailing. Those who wish to continue to receive the paper each week are invited to subscribe at the rates printed near the top of the first column on Page 2. In giving your mailing address, please mention both the name of the street or road and the route number. News notes of any kind are always welcome. They may be sent in by mail or telephone -- but Monday is the last day for news for each week's issue. The Editor.
Woodbridge Notes
Woodbridge residents who are visiting in Florida include Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Rice, of Center Road; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marvin; and Mr. and Mrrs. Myron G. Russell, who are at Lake Worth.
Miss Polly Peck, duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Peck, of Race Brook Road, has chosen Saturday, Mrach 3, for her wedding to Robert Henry Schulz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schulz, of Dillon Road. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Francis P. Randall in the First Church of Christ at 3:00 P.M., after which a reception will be held at the Woodbridge Club. Miss Peck will be attended by her sister, Miss Susan Peck, as maid of honor. Pfc. Donald Schulz, USAF, of Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois, will be best man, and the ushers will be H. Allen Brooks, James Peck, Martin Lynn, and Grant Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton recently gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Peck.
The regular meeting of the Woodbridge Grange will be held at 8:00 o'clock on Wednesday evening, February 28, in the Town Hall. The topic for the meeting will be "Truth or Consequences". Mrs. Charlotte Ellis is chairman of the committee in charge of refreshments.
Miss Marian Perkins of Race Brook Road left on Friday for a week's visit with Lieutenant and Mrs. Graham Sibbles at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Mrs. Sibbles is the former Nancy Murray of Bethany.
Audrey Melbourne and Ann Williams won awards at the Dress Review sponsored by the D.A.R. at the Medical Building in New Haven last Monday. Both girls belong to the Stubby Fingers 4-H Club led by Mrs. E. LaBrake of Bradley Highlands. Audrey won first prize in the junior division and Ann won second prize in the senior division. The two girls are members of a group which meets each Monday afternoon after school at Mrs. LaBrake's home. They are now working on clothing to be exhibited at the 4-H Dress Review which will tkae place sometime in May. The officers of the Club are: Marilyn Meister, President; Ann Wililams, Vice-president; Carol Dahlin, Treasurer; and Lillian Michel, Secretary.
Miss Helen Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Perkins of Race Brook Road, recently took part in a skating ballet as part of the Winter Carnival at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Miss Perkins graduated from Hillhouse High School and is now a sophomore at Bates.
The Executive Committee of the Woodbridge Men's Club will meet in the Church Parlors at 8:00 o'clock on Monday evening, February 26. Their purpose will be to devise a proposed outline of activity in connection with improvements to the Alice Newton Street Memorial Park; also to discuss the Park Association membership drive.
The third in a series of Wednesday Lenten meetings will be held Feburary 28 at the Congregational Church. The speaker will be Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz, leader of the B'nai Jacob Synagogue in New Haven. The meeting will take place at 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Church Parlors. Rabbi Rabinowitz will talk on "The Training of a Rabbi."
On Sunday, February 25, Dr. James English, Superintendent of the Congregational-Christian Churches of Connecticut, will speak at the morning service of the First Church of Christ. At 6:00 P.M., the Reverend Francis P. Randall will conduct a discussion group for all young people in the Church Parlors. The subject wil be: "The Meaning of The Church and Its Membership."
All Woodbridge residents who enjoy group singing are urged to join the Church Choir meeting at the Church on Thursday evenings. The choir is under the direction of Mr. William Waite, with Mrs. Mildred Coombs as organist. Anyone who is interested may get in touch with Mrs. Seelye Vidal for further information.
Wayne Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell of Amity Road, and Roger Street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Street of Newton Road, have left for active duty with the Navy. They will be stationed for some time at the Naval Receiving Station at Newport, Rhode Island, where they will undergo "boot" training.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seymour and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cozzolino head the committee for the Mardi Gras dance to be given at the Woodbridge Club on Saturday, February 24. They will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Van Sinderen, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mack. Arrangements are bing made for the crowning of a King and a Queen chosen on some, as yet unrevealed, basis by judges to be appointed at the dance. Music will be provided by Morris Watstein's orchestra. Several parties will precede the dance.
Bethany Notes
The Ladies' Guild of Christ Church will meet this evening at 8:00 P.M. at the home of Mrs. William J. Stevens to discuss arrangements for the play Aunt Susie Shoots The Works, to be given in April.
The Young People's Fellowship held a dance on Saturday at the Town Hall. Miss Betsy Carlson and Mr. Dwight Downs assisted Miss Jane Carlson, President of the Fellowship, in the arrangements. Music was provided by means of a tape recorder, and there were three square sets going most of the time. A special balloon dance was won by Doirs Mason and Bobby Cochrane.
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Clocks Watches Jewelry
11 Bank St, Tel. 2479
Seymour, Conn.
Because of business conditions and other setbacks, there will be a temporary delay in the establishment of the collection service. Watch this space for announcement.
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62 Dayton St. Phone 3-2936
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Reliable Food Market
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Steak shoulder 89¢ a lb.
Phone 3-0925
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29 Fountain St.
Westville, New Haven
For a full variety of choice Dry or Sweet Wines, shop at Cozzolino's Package Store, Inc.
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Phone 3-0440
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