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The Bethany Boys team is now the only undefeated team in the second round of the Federated Church Basketball League. In a game last Tuesday evening at the Troup Junior High School gymnasium, the Bethany team defeated West Haven Lutheran by a score of 37 to 27. This was the first defeat for the West Haven Church team this season. Dick Johnson was high scorer with 14 points. Harold Simpson, Jr., scored 9 points, Giblin 8, and MacDonald 6 points for Bethany. The boys were cheered on by an enthusiastic crowd of high school friends.
The next game for the boys is scheduled to take place at the Y. M. C. A. on Saturday, February 24, against the Bethesda team.
Last Wednesday, in the fiercely-contested bowling league series, the Drillers defeated the Garage team in three games to take second place in the league. The Beckers, who hold first place, lost to the Church team. The Grange defeated Anderson's, three to nothing, and the Airport won from Willowcrest. The Landowners team was defeated by the Firemen. Harold Simpson had men's high score for the evening with 371. Jenny Kosnoff, who substituted for Alice Bunton, had high woman's score.
In the first round of intramural basketball games at the Community School, the Peewees, led by Captain John Lonergan, took first place. The Halfgallons and the Sharpshooters, led by Captains Jim Johnson and John Downs, respectively, are tied for second place.
In a game this past week, the Southbury girls' team defeated the Bethany girls' team by a score of 22 to 20. Katherine Doyle of Southbury made high score for the game. Mr. James Warburton, Miss Esther Burnham, and Mrs. Lena Fenwick drove the girls to Southbury. The visitors were entertained after the game and were served cake and hot chocolate.

One Hour Martinizing Is More Than Dry Cleaning
1327 Whalley Ave.

Dine and Dance at Bence's Grill and Restaurant
Established 1905
Catering to Weddings -- Banquets -- Parties
Tel. 3-0904
1178 Whalley Ave.
New Haven, Conn.

Bethany Notes
National 4-H Week will be celebrated this year from March 3 through March 11. The chief Connecticut event will be a State Leaders' Conference in Middletown. Bethany will observe the celebration with a 4-H party at the Community School on March 8, at 7:00 P.M. All 4-H Boys and Girls and their parents will be invited.

Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles - Toys - Radios
We Make Keys
898 Whalley Ave.     Tel. 3-4171
Westville Center

Bullard's Midwinter Sale
Big savings in every department
Elm Street at Ornage
New Haven

Whitlock Farm
Sperry Road     Bethany
Fancy Broad-breasted Poultry
Eat Turkey Often
Tel. 3-1912

Notice of Rate Increase
Beginning with this issue, the Classified advertising rates will be 15¢ per line, 50¢ minimum per insertion (not 75¢, as stated last week).
Wanted to Rent -- 5-room apt. or 6-room house near bus line, greater New Haven area. Call Advertising Manager, Zemel Bros., 5-9904.
For Sale -- Modern 6-room house: living-room with Heatalator fireplace, dining-room, bedroom, very modern kitchen; 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms and bath. Full-size cellar, hot air (coal) furnace, electric pump, electric hot water heater. Dug well. Lot: 112 feet front, 427 feet deep. Price: $11,000. Bruce Robertson, Bear Hill Road, Bethany. Tel. 3-4310 or 3-4363.
Experienced Paperhanger and Painter, Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates, Prompt Service, Work Guaranteed. Call Ted Moore at 8-9547.
Help Wanted, Male -- full-time, permanent jobs available. Call Hoff Mfg. Co., Johnson Road, Bethany, 3-1023.
For Sale -- Frigidaire, good runing condition, $25. Telephone 3-1966.
For Sale -- Maisonette Dresses. Spring and summer styles now ready, sizes 3 to 52, also 1/2-sizes. Materials of finest quality. Call Edith Simpson, 3-1419.
Notice -- All news items and requests for information can be addressed to "The Amity Star", R.F.D. #2, Bethany, or called in at New Haven 3-1682.
Bethany Residents -- Would you like fresh eggs delivered every Saturday? Call Rainbow Farm, 3-2154.
For Sale -- Standard double laundry tubs, complete with stand and swing-type mixing faucet. Perfect condition. $10. Call 3-0588
Wanted -- Printer's hand-lever paper cutter, 30-inch knife. Address: Box D, Amity Star.
Wanted -- Part One of Bethany Sketches and Records by Sharpe (or both volumes). Also any other books, etc., on Bethany. Gilbert Whitlock, Sperry Road.
For Sale -- Package store. Successful, going business. Inquire at SY9-2419.
For Sale -- Universal electric range, 4 burners, good condition, reasonable. Call 3-6566.
For Sale -- 1942 Chrysler New Yorker, good running condition -- $400. Telephone 3-4690.
Wire-haired Fox Terriers, handsome puppies, 2 months old. Not just dogs, but of Champion Pedigree. Fully registered, very attractive and you will be proud of them. Mrs. Coulter, Milford 2-3906.

Bethany Scout Leaders Attend Annual Banquet
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Downs, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peck, and Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Brinton attended the Annual meeting and Banquet of the Quinnipiac Council of the Boy Scouts of America held at the Taft Totel last Thursday evening. The meeting, which annually honors Scout Unit Leaders, included election of officers for the coming year and a most interesting talk by Dr. Johon Schroeder, Master of Calhoun College at Yale University. As part of the program, a Scout Court of Honor was held, at which Silver Beaver awards were made to outstanding Scouts. Mr. Norman Peck, who had received a Silver Beaver award two years ago, was a member of the Court of Honor.

Woodbridge Young Folks Square Dance Friday
All the young people of Woodbridge are invited to attend a square dance at the Woodbridge Club on Friday evening, February 23, from eight to twelve o'clock. The dance is sponsored by the Woodbridge Club, and Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss K. Thompson are host and hostess. Miss Pamela Jewett is chairman of the committee in charge of the affair, and she will be assisted by Miss Ann Stoddard, Miss Claire Bauer, Miss Catherine Bishop, Miss Harriet Meiss, Cyrus Manfield, Martin Daniell, Charles Kalec, James Lightfoot, and Harry Ingholt. The admission fee includes refreshments. Music for the dancing will be provided by the Melody Rangers.

1290 Whalley     Tel. 3-0903
Parkway Sandwich Bar
Sandwiches and Fountain Service
Open 7 A.M. to Midnight

Skate Exchange
Boys': 2 pair, alomst new, sizes 4 & 8. $5 each. Tel. 3-1763.
Boys': 3 pair, sizes 1, 4, & 6. Tel. 3-1384.
Boys': 1 pair, new, size 7. Tel. 3-0603.
Boys': 1 pair, size 5
Girls': 2 pair, sizes 3 & 4. Tel. 3-1682.
Wanted: Boy's size 11. 3-0603.
Excellent, almost new white figure Skates, size 7, $7.00.
Lady's white hockey skates, size 7, $5.00.
Wanted -- Lady's white figure skates, size 6. Call 3-2456.

Bandy Legs Prevented. Send for Catalogue of Patent Corset Shoes, recommended by Physicians and Surgeons for Children learning to walk, and those troubled with weak or sprained ankles. H. Nathan, 221 6th Ave., New York.

This is a Bustlebone hoop -- comes by the yard -- inch wide -- made from quills -- pliable -- unbreakable -- 9 hoops set in 3 rows up back gores of petticoat or skirt -- easy to use -- for sale everywhere.
Warren Featherbone Co., Three Oaks, Mich.

55 Broadway New Haven
Broadway Bowling Alleys
(Fountain Service)
Telephone 7-5606

Airport Service Station
Opposite Airport
Fresh Fruit
Naugatuck Dairy Ice Cream
Gas, Oil, Groceries
The place is small, yet we have a large variety of merchandise. Come in and look it over.
Otto Anderson, Prop.

Tel. 3-0188     Harold Brown Mgr.
Westville Grain Co.
Amity Road Corner Wright St.
Gem Soap Flakes
10 Pound Box $2.81
Wild Bird Seed
10 Lbs. for $1.28
Suet Cakes 45¢
Prompt Delivery to Westville, Woodbridge, and Bethany

Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R.
U. S. Postage Paid
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902