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Town Meeting Votes 21-Mill Rate, Aid to Recreational Program
The Annual Adjourned Town Meeting was held at the Orange Center School on Monday evening, with about 200 in attendance. Albert M. Gesler served as Moderator and Howard B. Treat as Clerk.
The meeting voted to lay a tax rate of 21 mills on the Grand List of $10,0149,945.
It was voted to join with the Towns of Bethany and Woodbridge in a recreational progam for the summer months. The sum of $400 was appropriated to defray expenses connected with this project.
There was a considerable discussion about methods of acquiring land for future park and playground use, and $500 was appropriated to be used as a binder in securing a possible site for such purposes.

Orange Junior Rifle Team Will Compete in State Championships
The Orange Junior Rifle Club held a meeting last evening at Winchester Rifle Range on Henry Street, New Haven. This range has been completely remodeled during the past three weeks and is again available to the members of the Club.
Two five-man teams have been selected to compete in the William Randolph Hearst Competition. The Club will also participate in the 20th Annual State Championship Gallery Rifle Team match on March 16, 17, and 18, at the Winchester Club on Henry Street.
Orange Post No. 127, American Legion, has taken over the sponsorship of the Junior Rifle Club, which was formed six months ago and now has a membership of 42 boys between the ages of 13 and 19. James Lacy, of North Haven, is the Club's Chief Instructor. Cy Perry is Executive Officer, and the Assistant Instructors are John Keller and Fred Turner.

Harry Berman Will Conduct Symphony in Orange on Sunday
Harry Berman, well-known New Haven musician, will conduct the concert of the Johnson Junior Symphony in the auditorium of the Orange Center School on Sunday, March 11, at 3:30 P.M. Sponsored by the Catholic Clubs of Orange
for the benefit of the new church building fund, the concert is being presented by a committee which includes: Mrs. William N. Lindsay, Jr., Mrs. Charles Reuckert, Mrs. Melchior F. R. Savarese, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Moule, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hare, and the Messrs. Chester Pfeiffer, Louis Coppola, John Fitzgerald, James Moran, George Piontek, and Joseph Pucillo.

Walter Plummer is Chairman of the Committee on Arrangements for the Annual Dinner meeting of the Orange Volunteer Fire Association on Tuesday, March 13.
Celebrating its 25th Anniversary on this occasion, the Association will have a social hour at the firehouse beginning at 6:00 P.M., after which the members will enjoy a turkey dinner in the dining hall of the Congregational Church, at 7:00. New Haven Fire Chief Paul Heinz will be the guest speaker. It is expected that most of the active, associate, and retired members of the Association will attend.
The February Group of the Ladies Aid Society will sponsor a bridge party in the parlor of the Church on Thursday, March 15. Mrs. Charles Crozier is chairman of arrangements, and shw will be assisted by a committee which includes: the Mrs. James Claus, William Morse, Edward Chadwick, Fred Wilkinson, Willis Wilkinson, Randolph Todd, Alfred Moeller, Fred Bradley, Ernest Waldner, George Kessel, Harold Weise, and James Stanio.
On Saturday, March 17, the Sunday School will sponsor a moving picture appropriate for Lent, emphasizing the last week fo the Life of Christ. Designed to raise funds for the purchase of a projector and screen, the show, held at the Church, will be open to the public at 50¢ for adults and 25¢ for children.
The Orange Congregational Church Men's Club will meet on Monday, March 12, at 8:00 P.M.
A waste-paper drive in the Town of Orange will be sponsored by Orange Post No. 127 of the American Legion, with monthly collections beginning Saturday, March 17. Arthur G. Eberlein has been named Chairman of the Drive Committee. Proceeds from these collections will be used to help carry on the many activities of the Post.
The children of the Orange Congregational Church Sunday School are collecting food and clothing for a box to be sent overseas under the direction of Church World Service.

Mary Grant Nelson
Mary Grant Nelson, wife of Oliver E. Nelson, of Clarks Corner, Orange, died on March 3. The funeral was held on Tuesday of this week, with burial in the Orange Center Cemetary.
Miss Lucille I. Rutz, of Orange, is one of a group of 29 recruits recently assigned to duty in Germany by European Command, Special Services, which operates 96 clubs for enlisted personnel, 94 craft shops, and 92 photographic laboratories, and provides entertainment, tours, library facilities, and a competitive athletic program for soldiers in the Command. Miss Rutz, a graduate of Ohio University, was employed in New Haven before going to Germany.
At the meeting of the Orange Masonic Square Club, February 20, the following officers were chosen: President, William E. Chulz; Vice-President, Carl A. Peterson; Secretary and Treasurer, George M. Curtiss; Chaplain, the Rev. Lewis E. Purdum; Advisory Board, the officers plus the retiring President.
The Women's Auxiliary of Orange Post No. 127, American Legion, celebrated its first anniversary last Tuesday evening. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Richard W. Smith on Oakwood Road.

62 Dayton St.     Phone 3-2936
Corner Whalley
Reliable Food Market
Fresh Fish Wed. through Friday
Cottage Hams 65¢ lb.
Canned Applesauce 2 for 35¢

These Are Pairs:
I. Happy homo sapiens ... We don't stock them.
II. Singing Dogs ... We don't stock these, either altho we do supply canine haberdashery.
Fortunately, However, We Do Have Just what you're Looking for -- in lovely new Boudoir Lamps! --Choose your pair today from a large selection of the prettiest bargains in Westville!
Jackson-Marvin Hardware Company
843 Whalley Ave.     Westville

Westville's Newest Store
Albert's Clothes and Men's Wear
40 Fountain Street
Albert Masarjian, Prop.
Telephone 3-4969

Headquarters For Most Any Water Trouble
Call Geo. M. Hatch Co.
871 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Tel. 3-3912

Real Estate
Marvin H. Yudkin
257 Church Street - New Haven 10, Connecticut
Fire, Casualty & Marine Insurance     Telephone 5-7209

Bullard's March Floor Covering Event
4,131 Square Yards of All Wool Floor Covering in 9 and 12 ft. rolls
Elm Street at Orange

Gas     Oil     Lubrication
Westville Moter Service
Dayton -- Whalley Ave
New Haven Phone 3-0940
The Station with the Accessory Store
Repairs     Accessories

Westville Package Store
Fine Liquors
Imported and Domestic
859 Whalley Ave.
Westville Center
Elwood A. McGowan

Airport Service Station
Opposite Airport
Fresh Fruit
Naugatuck Dairy Ice Cream
Gasm, Oil, Groceries
The place is small, yet we have a large variety of merchandise. Come in and look it over.
Otto Anderson, Prop.

March 8-14
Strand Theater, Seymour
Telephone 404
Thurs. Tell it to the Judge, Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings; Tyrant of the Sea.
Fri. & Sat. Commanche Territory, Marine O'Hara, MacDonald Corey; Spy Hunt
Sun. & Mon. Tokyo Joe, Humphrey Bogart, Alexander Knox; It's a Small World.
Tues. & Wed. And Baby Makes Three, Robert Young, Barbara Hale; The Shakedown.
The Salem Playhouse
Telephone 2944
Thurs. - Magnificent Yankee; Cause For Alarm.
Fri. and Sat. - Sugarfoot; Pride Of Maryland.
Sun. and Mon. - Enforcer; Gasoline Alley.
Mon. and Tues. - September Affair; Rhythm Inn.

12 Fountain St.     New Haven
Melodee Lane records
Children's -- Classical

A good deal for your dollars $$$
A good deal for you --
when you buy a used car at New Haven Buick
226 Whalley Ave.
Est. -- 1919
Tel. 7-1101
open evenings
The Largest Used Car Inside Display in Town

Suburban Gas Appliancees
House and Water Heaters
Philgas Agency
G. H. Miller
Johnson Road     Tel. 3-1504     Woodbridge

Race Brook Road     Phone 4-4691
Ted Clark
Vacuum-Packed Frozen Turkeys The Year Round
Order For Easter Now