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Mrs. Kinney --
(Continued from page 1)
she had been a Justice of the Peace. She also belonged to the Quota Club of New Haven.
Since the establishment of this paper last December, Mrs. Kinney had acted as its chief correspondent for Bethany.
Besides her husband, she leaves a sister, Miss Mabel Haskell, of this town.
The funeral will be held at Christ Church (Episcopal), Bethany, this morning at 11:00 o'clock, with burial in Evergreen Cemetary, New Haven.

Free Chicks --
(Continued from page 1)
under the Sears, Roebuck Foundation, sponsors of the 4-H Baby Chick plan, prizes are offered for the best flocks raised and shown in the country. Blue-ribbon flock owners will be invited to compete in a State exhibit at the University of Connecticut in September.
Boys and girls receiving chicks under this plan will become 4-H Club members if they do not already belong.
Bethany members who have made application for chicks are Mary Bunting and Charles Rusgrove, both of whom are in their second year of 4-H work.

for all junior cowboys
Hopalong Cassidy Jeans and Jacket by Blue Bell
Jeans $2.98
- 9 oz. Sanforized black denim
- Zipper fly
- Frontier pockets with sturdy white twill flaps
- Secret pocket inside waistband
- No-scratch rivets at points of strain
- Cut in real cowboy style
Jacket $3.29
- 9 oz. Sanforized black denim
- Reinforced pleated front
- 2 breast flap pockets
- Adjustable buckle at waist
- Cut in real cowboy style

4-H Prizes --
(Continued from page 1)
William Sperry has won a great variety to awards during his nine years in 4-H work. He now owns eleven registered Jersey cattle which are at present being cared for by his father. William is a freshman at the University of Connecticut. For his high scholastic standing in high school and his excellent 4-H record, he won a four-year scholarship to the University, given by the Connecticut Light and Power Company.
Wlater Bespuda, a high school student, managed to achieve an award for Dairy Club work while being in entire charge of his family farm on the Milford Turnpike. He raises food for his stock (five Holsteins and 100 chickens) and has a milk route which he handles before school each day. He also has a vegetable garden and is engaged in a Tractor Maintenance Project, under the auspices of the Tractor Maintenance School at the Hll Farm Equipment Company on Race Brook Road.
The Misses June and Kay Harrison will assist Miss Mary Millner and other experts in Food Cookery at the Favorite Food Show to be sponsored by the New Haven County 4-H organization on Saturday, March 10, at the Experiment Station on Whitney Avenue. Anitra Sarno, Myra Corey, Joella Downs, Susan Clark, Susan Vaill, and Diane Brucksch, all members of Mrs. Stanley Downs's Jolly Juniors 4-H Group, will enter the contest. Each girl must prepare and present an article of food which she has chosen as part of a menu described on her entry blank. Each entrant will be judged on personal appearance and grooming; understanding of food preparation; appearance, flavor, and quality of food; the color, texture, and food value of the menu and its suitability as a "Favorite Food." There are classes for those 12 years old and under, and for those 13 and over. Ribbons will be given to allwho enter, and a special prize of a basket of apples will be given by Mr. Charles Bishop of Guilford, to the best apple dish entered.
Barbara Seeley and Susan Treat of the Orange Girls' 4-H Club will submit entries in the 4-H Favoirite Food Show in New Haven on Saturday, March 10. The group meets at the home of its Leader, Mrs. Frederick J. Hine, each Tuesday afaternoon after school Their projects are cooking, canning, and sewing.
On Tuesday, March 13, the Bethany 4-H Boys will meet at the home of their Leader, Harland Tuttle, on Amity Road, at 7:30 P.M. The group has been working on building bird houses during the past few weeks. Mr. Warren Brockett, County 4-H Agent, will attend the meeting and will award the prizes for the most skillfully-executed and the most original bird houses.
The activities of all the 4-H groups in the area culminate in the annual County Fair. The 1951 Fair will again be held in Orange, on August 17 and 18. Donald Clark of Orange is President of the Committee, Walter Hine of Orange has been appointed Grounds Manager, and Steve Loomis of Orange is Chairman of Publicity.
James LIghtfoot and Rowland Hine of Orange have entered Baby Beef Steer in the 1951 4-H Show at Springfield.

1290 Whalley     Tel. 3-0903
Parkway Sandwich Bar
Sandwiches and Fountain Service
Open 7 A.M. to Midnight

For a full variety of choice Dry or Sweet Wines, shop at Cozzolino's Package Store, Inc.
845 Whalley St.
Phone 3-0440
Daily Delivery to Woodbridge & Bethany
Buy a Case & Save

Thousands of lights from each cartridge!
See The New Amazing Ronson Vanguard Compressed Fuel LIghter
A few features: extra-size fuel cartridge; super-fine spark wheel; one-finger, one-motion, patented safety action; wickless; simple cartridge replacement; full flame for pipes and cigars, too; extra flints; silk and velvet lined plasatic gift box.
Chromium plate with rich black enamel and unique red enamel decorative flame motif. Circular monogram shield ...... $12.50
Another Vanguard model at $13.50
Fritz and Hawley
Guild Opticians     816 Chapel St.

Bethany Notes
Civil Defense Director William J. Stevens has announced that there will be a meeting of the Deputy Directors and members of the Advisory Council at the Town Hall on Wednesday, March 14, at 8:00 P.M. Last Sunday copies of the boklet "Survival Under Atomic Attack" wereplaced in mailboxes throughout the town. Anyone who failed to receive a copy (or who wishes extra copies) is asked to call Mr. Stevens at 3-2897.
Arthur Brannen, father of Mrs. John Riley of Hopbrook Road, died on Friday, February 23, in Bridgeport. The burial service was held on Monday afternoon, February 26.
Miss Cindy Brucksch of Amity Road celebrated her fourth birthday on February 24. Among those attedning her party were Miss Jane MacKenzie and the Masters Doug Wolfe, Brad Benedict, Tommy Shutkin, Dickie Treffers, Jody Vaill, J. Stephen Knight, Jr., John Bunting, and Jakie Littlefield.
The Brownie Girl Scouts will be invested with their pins on Tuesday, march 13, at their regular meeting, which starts at 4:00 P.M. at the Bethany Community School. Parents are cordially invited to attedn.
Elma Frances Jennings
Elma Frances Jennings, sister of Mrs. marie C. Spencer of Amity Road, died in Bethany on March 5. Funeral services will he beld this afternoon at 2:30, at Beecher & Bennett's in New Haven. Interment will be in Beaverdale Memorial Park.

maud i. diggles
Ladies' Spring Suits and Toppers
Tel: 6-8188     163 York St.

4-H Club Membe rat Boston Poultry Show
Miss Joella Downs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Downs of Bethany, is shown at the January exposition examining two Silver-spangled Hamburgs (formerly called Dutch Every-day Layers), a very ancient and honorable breed. The age of the hen, computed in terms of human life, is 320 years, and she is still producing chicks. Joella won a 5th Prize for her Family Flock, in competition with twenty-six other 4-H Club members from all parts of New England. (Photo by courtesy of Paul Ives.)

1297 Whalley Ave.     Near Davis St.
Parkway Self-Service Launderette
Shirts -- Dry Cleaning -- Hosiery -- Toys -- Jewelry

Seymour Road, Woodbridge
Sand, Gravel, and Loam Delivered to Woodbridge and Bethany
Tel: Seymour 509

Over-The-Counter Insurance
Real Estate Photo Display
Harry Merwin

Why don't you try Prospect Store
Union City Rd., Prospect
You can call (collect) Waterbury 5-0791 for delivery Friday in Bethany or you can make your own selection of Quality Groceries without parking problems or hiring a baby-sitter.
Especially good Cheddar Cheese

899 Whalley
Jerold's Jeweler
Hamilton, Bulova Watches -- Diamonds -- Silverplated & Sterling Flatware & Holloware
Pay Weekly

Brookside Farm
Amity Road, Woodbridge
Up to 4 lb. -- 49¢ lb.
Over 4 lb. -- 55¢ lb.
Vito Luciani

The Seymour Trust Company
Seymour, Conn.
Complete Banking Service
Member of F.D.I.C.
Phone 2518