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Woodbridge Notes
(Continued from page 1)
tension Specialist, will speak on "Does Your Dollar Go Too Fast?". Leaders of the meeting are Mrs. Robert Bamberg and Mrs. Milton Ives. Mrs. Franklin W. Timpson is chairman of the group, and Mrs. Walter Pinkham is vice-chairman.
At a recent meeting of the Catholic Women of Woodbridge, held at the Town Hall, pamphlets outlining the conditions for gaining the indulgence of the Holy Year were distributed. This pamphlet was prepared with the approval of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Henry J. O'Brien, D.D., Bishop of Hartford.
Mrs. Gertrude Molloy, teacher at the Warner School, has been ill this past week.
Mrs. Robert Sykes, of Litchfield Turnpike, is confined to her home with grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mongillo, of Barnabas Road, have returned from a three-week vacation in Florida.
The Woodbridge Social Club will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:30 P.M. in the Warner School Auditorium on Monday, March 12. Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Gill will describe the Pee-Wee League Baseball setup in the New Haven area. The club is conisdering establishing a unit in Woodbridge. A motion will also be made for the sponshorship of a Boy Scout Troop. There will be movies and refreshments.
The concluding meeting in a series of Wednesday evening talks will be held in the Woodbridge Church Parlor on Wednesday, March 14. The speaker will be the Reverend Stanley Earl Anderson of Center Church, New Haven, who will have as his subject "The Church Faces Its Major Tasks."
Miss Phyllis Fasulo has returned to her home on Lucy Street, where she is convalescing after an operation at St. Raphel's Hospital.

One Hour Martinizing Is More Than Dry Cleaning
1327 Whalley Ave.

Dine and Dance at Bence's Grill and Restaurant
Established 1905
Catering to Weddings
- Banquets
- Parties
Tel. 3-0904
1178 Whalley Ave.
New Haven, Conn.

for courteous and dependable service, come to Kenney's Pharmacy
Corner of Whalley & Dayton
Phone 3-2571
Free Delivery
Delivery to Orange also

Amity Road     Bethany
Pleasant View Market
Wholeslae price on Any Quarter of Beef, Pork or Lamb
Prepared for Your Home Freezer
Fee for cutting and wrapping
Call 3-0956
Open Sunday Morning

American Red Cross
Woodbridge Branch
Your American Red Cross Needs $85,000,000
In addition to the constant responsibility for Aid to Veterans and Disaster Relief the need in 21951 is for: --
1 - Increased services made necessary by the large expansion of our Armed Forces;
2 - Procurement of Blood for the Armed Forces, Divil Defense, and for use in local hospitals;
3 - Necessary increase in training for First Aid, Home Nursing and Nurse's Aides;
4 - Higher costs of all materials and services as compared with a year ago.
You Give Through The Red Cross

Television - Refreigerators
Furniture - Washers
Philco, G.E., Crosley, Teletone, Admiral, Speed Queen, Deep Freeze, Grand Rapids Furniture
Low Down Payments -- Easy Terms
Complete Television Repair Service
Lee Furniture Store
Whalley Ave. at Fountain St.     Tel. 3-2100

15¢ per line, 50¢ minimum
FOR SALE -- Maisonette Dresses. Spring and summer styles now ready, sizes 3 to 52, also 1/2-sizes. Materials of finest quality. Call Edith Simpson, 3-1419.
WANTED -- Old barns or other buildings for lumber and wood. Will tear down and clean up neatly. Whitlock Farm, Sperry Road, Bethany. Tel. 3-19112.
NOTICE -- All news items and requests for information can be addressed to "The Amity Star", R.F.D. #2, Bethany, or called in at New Haven 3-1682.
EXTRA MONEY -- for men & women -- Spare or full-time booking orders for new amazing Scotch-lite NAME PLATE for top of rural mail boxes that SHINE AT NITE. Government ruling requires name on mail box. Easy to make $10. daily. Write Illuminated Sign Co., 3004 1st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Rush, Cane, and Splint Chair Seats
Also Porch Chairs, Earle Bradley, Taft Street, Orange.
FOR SALE -- Package store. Successful, going business. Inquire at SY 9-2149
FOR SALE -- 20-ft. sailboat, 3 yrs. old, complete, in 1st class condition. Call SY 9-2729
EXPERIENCED Paperhanger and Painter, Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates, Prompt Service, Work Guaranteed. Call Ted Moore at 8-9547.
BETHANY RESIDENTS -- Would you like fresh eggs delivered evey Saturday? Call Rainbow Farm, 3-2154.
FOR RENT -- Airport Diner, fully equipped, ideal for couple. Be your own Howard Johnson. Call Bethany Airport, 3-0474.
FOR SALE -- 3-seated, form-fitting, dubonnet-colored settee, reasonable. Call 3-1270
SALE -- Articles made by the HOMEBOUND DIVISION of the Connecticut Society For Crippled Children And Adults. At Grieve, Bisset and Holland Dept. Store, 42 No. Main St., Waterbury.
FOUND -- Someone's pet: young white female puppy, license 96103, Seymour. Owner call 3-1682.

Seymour Notes
Miss Diane Donovan celebrated her 15th birthday on March 5, with a party for about 15 of her friends at her home.

The Garden Club of Orange joined the Woodbridge Garden Club for their March meeting in the Woodbridge Town Hall at 2:00 o'clock on Tuesday, March 6. The well-known Dr. R. C. Allen, Executive Secretary and Editor of The American Rose Soceity and author of "Roses For Every Garden," gave a very interesting and informative talk on roses.
Mrs. Henry Jacob was the chairman of the tea which followed the meeting. The committee assisting Mrs. Jacob included the Mrs. Raymonod Black, Chester Buckland, Wilson Chatfield, John Coe, Charles Colberg, Eric Demander, Mansfield Dewell, Robert Dickgiesser, Warren Doolittle, John Driscoll, and Goerge Eaton. Mrs. Paul Beetz made the floral arrangement for the tea table, at which Mrs. Ernest Scherb and Mrs. Thomas Seymour poured.
The Hillhouse High School team which was recently the victor in the New Haven district swimming league, includes Peter Ould of Bethany, Peter Alison of Orange, and Martin Daniell of Woodbridge.
The Woodbridge Mothers' Club will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, March 19, in the Church Parlors. The meeting will be preceded by a covered dish supper at 6:30 P.M. George D. Vaill, Editor and Publisher of the Amity Star, will be the guest speaker of the evening. Mrs. D. L. Hartshorn is the hospitality hostess.
The Woodbrige Fire Department answered two calls on Wednesday, Februrary 28, both resulting from grass fires started by incinerators. In each case 5 men and Engines 1 and 3 responded. The blazes were at the homes of Prof. R. H. Bainton, Amity Road (12:27 P.M.) and John Fasulo, Litchfield Turnpike (2:05 P.M.).

Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles - Toys - Radios
898 WHALLEY AVE.     TEL. 3-4171
Westville Center

ART'S Package Store
Drive out to ART's and Sve!
Budweiser, Pabst or Schlitz
6 cans or 6 bottles $1.00
Case $3.95
Many Ohter Savings on Wine and Liquor. From Woodbridge, drive out to the Derby Turnpike, then to Racebrook Road, then to Post Road; turn left on Post Road 1/4 mile and look for the neon sign PACKAGE STORE in left side of road.
Post Road     Orange
Tel: SY 9-2149

1372 Whalley     New Haven,
TEL. 3-0920     RES. 7-3487

if you are an Asthma or Sinus Sufferer
try a Rexair in your home
Prescribed by many doctors
Miss Marion Davidson
Tel. 3-1809     Bethany

New Shipment of Lampshades
Assorted styles and Sizes
29¢ to $2.79
5 - 10 - 25¢ Store

Tel. 3-0188     HAROLD BROWN MGR.
Now Taking Orders
100 pounds Green Mountains 3.60
100 pounds Cobblers 3.95
Delivery Westville, Woodbridge, and Bethany

Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R.
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902