Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Building Committee To meet Monday
The twenty-nine members of the Town Building Committee are reminded that First Selectman Wallace S. Saxton has called a meeting of the Committee for Monday, March 19, at 8:00 P.M., at the Town Hall. A list of the members appeared in the February 22 issue of this paper.
Eight O'Clock Club Schedules Card Party for Saturday
St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated in Bethany by a card party to be given at the Town Hall by the Eight O'clock Club. Mrs. Walter Beletsky and her committee have made detailed arrangements for bridge, canasta, and pinochle players. There will be a prize for each table and twelve door prizes. Each group is asked to bring its own table and cards. Tickets may be obtained at the door on the evening of the party or through Mrs. Harry W. Austin, Mrs. Grant J. Durley, or Mrs. Everettt H. Whitlock.
The regular meeting of the Eight O'clock Club will be postponed until March 29, and wil be held at the home of Mrs. Theodore Durley on Cheshire Road. John J. Whitehead will be the guest speaker.
The series of articles on Town Officers, begun in our first issue, has so far presented only the Representatives in the Legislature and the First Selectmen -- of only Bethany and Woodbridge.
Today we discuss the other Selectmen of these two communities. In the near future we shall consider the Town Clerks, the Tax Collectors, and other officers. A complete series on the Orange officials is in preparation, also.
We also plan to continue the articles dealing with the various institutions and organizations in all three towns.
3rd Selectman
Edward H. Hinman was appointed in December to complete the unexpired term of the late Charles C. Booth as Third Selectman. He was born in Bethany on November 22, 1908, the son of Mrs. Carolyn Hitchcock Hinman of Amity Road and of the late John E. Hinman, who served the town for many years as Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Judge of Probate, member of the School Board, and in other capacities.
He attended school in Bethany and at Hillhouse High School in New Haven, and for some time has been engaged as a general contractor in this area.
He is Trial Justice of the Bethany Town Court, Chief of the Bethany Fire Department, and a membe rof the Civil Defense Advisory Committee. He has also served as Grand Juror, Judge of Probate, and Democratic Registrar of Voters.
Mr. Hinman is married and
(Continued on page 7)
2nd Selectman
Ralph R. Downs was born in Bethany on December 12, 1890, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Downs of Downs Road. He attended local schools until he was fourteen and then began hauling wood from Bethany to the brick yards on State Street in New Haven, an occupation which he followed continuously (first with horses, later with a truck) until 1930. He has also been engaged in general trucking and construction work.
In 1932 he was elected to the first of four terms in the State Legislature, where he was active in the Committee on Roads, Rivers, and Bridges and the Committee on Fish and Game. He also sat on the Committees on Ways and Means and Capitol Grounds.
Mr. Downs has served as Bethany's Supervisor of Roads during two periods, the latter of which began in 1933 and continues today. He has been active in Republican affairs and has been a member of the Board of Selectmen for over twenty-five years.
In addition to being a bowler of some prominence in local leagues, he is well-known as a fox hunter and as a breeder and trainer of bird dogs. (He is also one of the last local residents to keep and train oxen.) He was a Charter Member of the Cheshire Rod and Gun Club and of the Bethany Rod and Gun Club, which flourished here some years ago.
Mr. Downs is married and lives on Downs Road in a new house which he and Mrs. Downs have just moved into.
Three Towns Meet On Proposed Program For Recreation
At a joing meeting of the Recreation Committees of Bethany, Orange, and Woodbridge, held in Woodbridge last Tuesday, there was a discussion of a baseball program for the young boys of the area, and a committee of three, one from each town, was chosen as follows: Bethany, John Gervasoni; Orange, John Lightfoot; Woodbridge, Daniel Jennette. This Committee will receive and screen applications for the post of director of the program, which calls for a full schedule of baseball activities during the three summer months. All interested and qualified persons may direct applications to Mrs. Arthur Kemp of Center Road, Secretary of the Woodbridge Recreation Committee. The recommendations of the three representatives will be presented to the whole group at a meeting later in the month.
Notice to Orange Readers
The March 22 issues of "The Amity Star" wil be the last to be distributed by general circulation in the Town of Orange. News and advertising of Orange will, however, continue to be a regular feature of the paper, and an increased amount of space will be alloted to it as we progress in making contacts with the people of the Town.
Those who wish to continue to receive the paper, postpaid by mail, are now invited to subscribe, at the rates which appear in the masthead on page 2. If payment is made by check, it will be appreciated if "The Bethany Press" may be honored as the designated payee. Immediate payment, however, need not accompany subscription orders, which may be telephoned in to us at New Haven 3-1682. A number of Orange subscriptions have been received already. These and any others which come in within the next 30 days will be dated to begin with the issue of March 29.
The paper will be mailed free of charge to any Orange resident in military service if his address is reported to us. Nearly fifty Bethany and Woodbridge boys are now receiving the paper, from Vienna to Korea and all over this country, and they report that it is very helpful in keeping them in touch with what is going on at home.
Our volunteer Orange correspondents have done handsomely for us so far, and we invite others who have news to call us at any time. Our issue deadline is Monday noon -- and our telephones are always at your service.
Paugusset Club Chooses Officers, Announces Incorporation
The Paugusset Club, which is now incorporated, held a meeting on March 6 and elected the following officers: President, John Gamsby; Vice-President, Thomas O'Sullivan; Secretary, Mrs. Spencer Hoyt; and Treasurer, Robert Pastorisu. Committee Chairman were also chosen, as follows: Membership, Richard Bowerman; House, Carl Goodwin; Social, Mrs. George Seyfert and Mrs. John Gamsby; Play, John Gamsby; Public Relations, Mrs. C. Thorne Corse; and Building, Robert Pastorius. The next meeting of the Club wil be held tomorrow evening.
Exchange Club Elects Officers, Makes Plans for Meetings
At a meeting of the newly-organized Orange-Woodbridge Exchange Club, held at the Black Horse Inn on March 7, the following officers were chosen: President, Dr. H. Lincoln Dunn; Vice-President, J. Russell McKiernan; Secreatary, Charles Sims; and Treasurer, A. John Rappa; Control Committee, Arthur Roetting, Dr. Arnold Rilance, Carl Goodwin, George Seyfert, and Spencer S. Hoyt. The nominating committee consisted of Edgar Vaughn and George Benedict.
The Club held another meeting at the Black Horse Inn last evening. On April 4 the permanent charter of the National Exchange Clubs of America will be presented to the Club. Graham Hassard will be in charge of the meeting, to which the wives of members will be invited.
2nd Selectman
Albert O. Greene
Woodbridge's Second Selectman, Albert O. Greene, was born in Seekonk, Massachusetts, in 1903. After being graduated from the East Providence (Rhode Island) High School, he did clerical work and later took a degree in electrical engineering at Wentworth Institute in Boston. Since then he has been engaged in engineering work with a numbe rof companies, including Brown & Sharpe in Providence, General Baking Company, Crawford Oven Company, and the American Machine and Foundry Co. He is now Superintendent at Bradley Laboratories, Inc., in New Haven.
After residing in New Haven (and briefly in Bethany), the Greenes moved to Woodbridge eleven years ago. He is a Past President of the Men's Club, Treasurer of the Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Association, Inc., and a membe rof the Republican Town Committee. Last July he was appointed to complete the unexpired term of David C. Lewis as Second Selectman. His recreational interests include photography and al kinds of engineering.
Mr. and Mrs. Greene live on Ledge Road. They have one married daughter.
Woodbridge Notes
Word has been received from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that Mr. and Mrs. Donald Collins, who formerly resided on Morris Raod in this town, are regular readers of this paper, copies of which are sent to them by their daughter, Mrs. Malcolm W. Baldwin of Race Brook Road.
Forest-Fire Fighters Needed
Any Woodbridge boy, 16 years of age or older, who is interested in joining the forest-fire-fighting crew of the Connecicut Forestry Department, is invited to attend a meeting at the Headquarters of the Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Assoication, Inc., next Wednesday, March 21, at 7:30 P.M.
Woodbridge Club Will Hold St. Patrick's Dinner on Saturday
Reservations have been made by a large numbe rof members for the St. Patrick's Day dinner at the Woodbridge Club on Saturday evening. Dinner will be served at seven o'clock and will be followed by a musical program in which members of the Club will participate. The committee for the dinner includes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Catlin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kadlec, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merrells, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mansfield, Dr. and Mrs. James Stanio, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Waldner, Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Bein, and Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. As the dinner will be served by a caterer, members are urged to make their reservations in advance.
3rd Selectman
John J. Ryan was born in New Haven on December 12, 1904. He was graduated from Lovell School, New Haven High School, and New Haven College. He now holds the position of Purchasing AGent for the Charles S. Leete Company, Inc., wholesale druggists, on Crown Street in New Haven.
He has been an active worker in the Democratic party for a numbe rof years. He served as Police Commissioner for eleven years, and in 1937 he was elected Third Selectman, which position he has held continuously since. His hobbies include baseball and traveling.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan live in Bradley Highlands.
Woodbridge Notes
The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Chruch of Christ will meet at two o'clock this afternoon in the Church parlors. Mrs. J. Warren Tilton will conduct the devotional program, and Mrs. John Magee [...] speaker.