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4-H and State Police Will Offer Course in Safety on Bicycles
Warren H. Brockett, County Agent of the Connecticut Farm Bureau, has announced a plan of great interest to 4-H members and their parents. The 4-H leaders and the Connecticut State Police will offer a course of instruction in Bicycle Care and Rules of the Road to boys and girls in this area. Concern for the safety of young bicycle riders has been expressed in many quarters. This plan should meet with the cooperation of all families interested in the opportunities afforded by the ownership of a bicycle. The times and places of the instruction sessions will be announced.

906 Whalley Ave.     Tel. 3-2625
Benjamin Moore Paints
Complete line of Easter Toys, Baskets, Candy, and Decorations

For a full variety of choice Dry or Sweet Wines, shop at COZZOLINO'S PACKAGE STORE, Inc.
Phone 3-0440
Daily Delivery to Woodbridge & Bethany

Janice L. Harris
Sadye R. Abeshouse
Tel: 3-4811
House of Charm at 1299 Whalley Ave.
Gifts -- Antiques
Greeting Cards -- Stationery

Orange Notes
The Reverend and Mrs. William H. Alexander have returned to Spring Street in Orange after spending the winter in New Haven. Their marriage took place last fall. Mrs. Alexander is the former Elsie M. Lewis.
The Men's Club held its regular monthly meeting at the Congregational Church last Monday evening. O. G. Saxon, professor of economics at Yale University, gave a most interesting talk on "The Problems of Inflation."
The Masonic Square Club has been invited to a gathering at the Masonic Home in Wallingford on Sunday, April 1, at 3:00 o'clock. The meeting will be under the direction of the Reverend Lewis E. Purdum, Chaplain of the Orange Masonic Square. Masonic members and friends in the towns of Orange, Woodbridge, and Bethany are also invited to attend.
On March 18, Palm Sunday, the Reverend Lewis E. Purdum will give his last sermon in a series on The Beatitudes: "Blessed Are The Persecuted." The Young People's Forum, at 7:00 P.M., will be led by Bill Koch. On March 22, at 8:00 P.M. there will be a special Maundy Thursday communion service with reception of new members.
The pupils of the Orange Congregational Church Sunday School are selling tickets for the moving picture performance to be given in the Church Parlor on Saturday evening. Proceeds from this entertainment are to be used to purchase a projector and screen for the use of the Sunday School.
A daughter, Charyl Ann, was born on February 28, at the New Haven Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rogers, Jr., of Lambert Road. Mrs. Rogers was Miss Camela Schwab of Westville.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Sperry of Russell Avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lora Dunn Sperry, to Henry Cripps, son of Mrs. Edith Cripps of Rockville and Mr. Arthur Cripps of Hartford.
Miss Sperry is a graduate of the University of Conencticut and is teaching home economics at the John Fitch High School in Windsor. Mr. Cripps attended Hillyer College and the University of Connecticut. He is employed at the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Company in East Hartford.
There will be a presentation of a moving picture on "Connecticut" for the pupils of the upper grades at the Center School this afternoon at 1:30. Mr. Harold Hincks, who made the picture, will show and discuss it. Parents and friends of Center School are invited.
PLEASE HAVE BUNDLES TIED AND READY for the American Legion paper drive on Saturday, March 17, at 10:00 A.M.

Seymour Road, Woodbridge
Sand, Gravel, and Loam Delivered to Woodbridge and Bethany
Tel: Seymour 509

A. M. Beck
Fountain Service
Household Items
801 Edgewood Avenue
New Haven     Tel. 3-0906

4,131 Square Yards of All Wool Floor Covering in 9 and 12 ft. rolls
Elm Street at Orange

Begin indoors with a WATER RIGHT SEED GROWER (12" x 14" x 2 1/2")
We have a large assortment of Flower and Vegetable Seeds*
Burpee -- Hart
Woodruff -- Mandeville
*also peat moss
Jackson-Marvin Hardware Company
843 Whalley Ave.     Westville

PLEASE SAVE YOUR WASTE PAPER -- the Boy Scouts will have a Paper Collection on Sunday morning, April 8.
Lewis Wooding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wooding of Carrington Road, is undergoing treatment at St. Raphael's Hospital.
W. Bruce Robertson, of Bear Hill Road, has been ill with pneumonia.
Bethany Post 9990, V. F. W., will hold a modern and old-fashioned dance on April 26 at the Bethany Town Hall. There will be dancing from nine to twelve to the fine music of The Connecticut Mountaineers, with George Barba calling. Door prizes will be given. Committees in charge of arrangements include: Edward Withington, General Chairman, tickets and publicity, Warren Thomas and Edward Withington; refreshments, Herb Wrozina, Marvin Saundres, Walter Beardsley, William Evers, and Frank Wooster. For further information or tickets please call WE 4-0811, WE 3-7520, 3-3853, or 3-3179.
The Senior 4-Leaf Clover Club will meet on Thursday, March 15, at the home of Judy Svirsky. This Club is going to conduct a continuous Food Sale. Anyone interested in ordering cakes, cookies, or cupcakes may call June Harrison at 3-2218. The girls request two days' notice for all orders.
As the subject of his sermon for the Palm Sunday service at the First Church of Christ, The Reverend Iverson Graham has chosen "Life's Ultimate Question."
At the regular meeting of the Young People's Fellowship last Sunday evening, it was decided to omit the meeting on Easter Sunday evening and to arrange for a speaker for the evening of Sunday, April 1.
Mrs. Edward J. Worthington has been ill at her home on Amity Road this past week.
The children of Christ Church (Episcopal) Sunday School will present a pageant at the eleven o'clock service on March 18, Palm Sunday. Billy Brucksch, John Downs, Warren Downs, Jr., James Johnson, Judy Wolfe, Ruth Littlefield, Joella Downs, Diane Brucksch, and Jane Carlson will take part. The entire Sunday School will join in the Processional and the Presentation of Mite Boxes at the Altar. All parents and children are urged to attend.
The Home Economics Group of the Bethany Farm Bureau will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday, March 20. In the morning, Mrs. Stanley Downs and Mrs. Howard Dupee will present a program called "Styles for You." There will be a pot-luck luncheon, after which Miss Marion Kerin, Nutritionist for the Connecticut Dairy and Food Council, will give a talk called "Behind Your Lookingglass." The hostesses for the day will be Mrs. W. O. Hamister, Mrs. Max Hirsch, Jr., and Mrs. Edward Brennan.
Howard Williams, Jr., sustained a severe eye injury this past week and is convalescing at home.
A great many people have been ill during the past tow weeks. At the Community School, both Principal James Warburton and Mrs. Wesley Doolittle have had to turn over their teaching duties to others for several days. Mrs. Frank Fuller and Mrs. Irwin Siegel have been substituting. Mrs. Kate Bubbell of Amity Road, Woodbridge, Dietician of the School, is expected home from the hospital this week and will rejoin the staf at the end of the month.
David Russell Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Scott of Litchfield Turnpike, enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on March 1 and is now at Parris Island, South Carolina.

A good deal for your dollars $$$
A good deal for you -- when you buy a used car at NEW HAVEN BUICK
22y6 Whalley Ave.
Est. - 1919     Tel: 7-1101
open evenings

Tel. 3-0842
Harriet Davies Mulhern
Marian Mulhern Albrecht
Style Beauty Salon
Permanent Waves
Cold Waves -- Hair Styling
22 Fountain St. New Haven, Conn.

Prescriptions     1325 Whalley Ave.
Drive-in Parking
We deliver     Tel. 3-0453

271 Bank Street     Tel: 422
Fine Food at Chain Store Prices
Open Sunday Mornings

Mondrone's Service Station
Sunoco Gas
24 Hour Towing Service
Phone 3-0958
"As Near As Your Phone"
Night Phone 3-1933
Woodbridge, Conn.

hen: 7-19 lbs.     .75 lb
tom: 20 - 40 lbs.     .55 lb
6 - 8 lbs     .65 lb
4 - 7 lbs.     .60 lb
SMOKED TURKEY    1.25 lb (cooked and ready to eat, hot or cold)
Squab Chickens     1.00 each
Discount at Farm
Eat Turkey Often
Tel. 3-1912