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Woodbridge Club Drama Groups Give Play, Plan for Meiss Opus
Last Sunday afternoon at the Woodbridge Club, the Workshop put on its March play, a one act comedy directed by Mike Dewell and exhibiting the talents of Fanny Lou Hubbell, Jerome Priest, and Mary Means (who are shown on this page in a scene from the play). Cindy Stone was stage manager. Coffee and sandwiches were served after the performance.
The April Workshop play will be omitted so as not to conflict with the production of the Spring play, Edwin Meiss's "Wormwood Manor," which will be given on April 12, 13, and 14. The cast, under the direction of Mrs. Harry Wintsch, includes Charles Thompson, Alyce Smith, Grant Nickerson, Ed Brennan, Jr., Frances Elmendorf, Ray Elmendorf, Jane and Alan Smith, George Rippere, Art Meister, and Betty O'Connor.
Members of the ticket committee are: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. William Shee, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kusterer, Mrs. and Mrs. David Hungerford, Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bishop, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carmichael.
Spring is here, Boys and Girls!
See the new Straw Bonnets and Eton Caps at PAUL'S DEPT. STORE
92 Whalley Tel. 3-2224
Westville Motor Service
Dayton -- Whalley Ave
New Haven Phone 3-0940
The Station with the Accessory Store
Repairs Accessories
The Regina Coeli Guild of St. Ann's Parish wil have the St. Teresa Society as their guests at their next meeting at the parish house on March 20 at 7:30 P.M. Refreshments will be made by Chairman Rae Mellotto, assisted by Rose Mellotto, Dorothy DeVito, and Dolores DeVito.
Miss Elizabeth Anne Fraser, daughter of Mrs. LeRoy B. Fraser of Amity Road, and of late Mr. Fraser, has chosen Friday, March 30, for her marriage to Mr. David Denison Lambert, 4th, son of Mr. and Mrs. Latham B. Lambert of New Haven. The ceremony will be performed by the Reverend Francis P. Randall in the First Church of Christ at 4:00 P.M.
On March 5, the first six grades of the William Warner School had as their guiest speaker, Mrs. Claude Schaffner of New Haven. The third and fourth grades have just completed a study unit on Mexico. Mrs. Schaffner showed colored slides and postcards of that interesting neighboring country, and had an exhibit of curios as well.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of Woodbridge Post 120 of the American Legion will have its regular monthly social meeting at Legion Hall on Johnson Road on Tuesday, March 20, at 8:00 P.M. Mrs. Dorothy Ellis will give a Cosmetic Demonstration. Hostesses for the evening will be: Mrs. Helga Dunn, Mrs. May Peck, Mrs. Mary Maroney, Mrs. Gladys Bon-Tempo, Mrs. Josephine Ryan, and Mrs. Marion Ryan.
At the regular Sunday service at the First Church of Christ in Woodbridge, the Reverend Francis P. Randall will preach on the subject, "For this cause He came." At the same hour, 10:30, the Church School, its classes suspended for the morning, will have a special Palm Sunday program at the Town Hall. A film dealing with the life of Jesus will be shown, and Robert J. Hawthorne will conduct the worship service. The Maundy Thursday evening program will take the form of a candlelight communion service, at which a welcome will be extended to the more than 30 new members who are joining the Church at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Michel, of Race Brook Road, announce the birth of daughter, Denise Elizabeth, on February 5.
The members of the American Legion are planning to celebrate the Legion's 32nd birthday with an "Old Timers' Night" at Legion Hall on Monday, March 19. Refreshments will be served, and all members are urged to be present.
A Gala Free Dance is being planned by the members of the Woodbridge Club for March 31. There will be music by Eddi Saranec and his orchestra and an accordion player at intermission. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Chamberlain, Jr., head the committee which includes: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Beebe, Mrs. and Mrs. Donald Kusterer, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Costello.
The Parent-Teacher Association of the William Warner School is planning a Card Party on April 4 in the Woodbridge Town Hall. Mrs. John Barone is Chairman of the arrangements.
The Amity and Woodbridge Historical Society wil meet at the Clark Memorial Library on Wednesday, March 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pepe of Lloyd Street, New Haven, have announced plans for the wedding of their daughter, Dolores, and Pfc. Richard E. Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hudson, of Merritt Avenue, Woodbridge. The ceremony will be performed in St. Rose's Church on Blatcheley Avenue, and there will be a reception for the families and a few friends after the ceremony at Independence Hall on Chapel Street in New Haven. Miss Pepe has chosen Miss Betty Bristol as her Maid of Honor. Mr. Frederick J. Hudson will be his brother's Best Man. The two ushers will be the younger brothers of the bridal couple, John Hudson and Thomas Pepe, Jr. Both Miss Pepe and Pfc. Hudson are graduates of Hillhouse High School. Pfc. Hudson is now stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and is coming home on March 30.
Our Easter Gift to You
a Van Heusen shirt with any suit or coat bought at Albert's CLOTHES AND MEN'S WEAR
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Food Topics by Joe Marlowe
Roasting Chickens, one of the top favorites for Sunday dinner. Cold chicken can be served in many pleasing ways, sliced for luncheons or the late nighit snack, also ideal for sandwiches or slads.
Thrifty homemakers serve creamed chicken or chicken pies for mid-week meals.
Choosing the poultry is of first importance, for the finished poultry as it comes to the table can never be of any better quality than the quality of the original poultry.
Why buy ice-packed or western packers' box chickens, when the best quality fresh native poultry is available?
Young -- Native Roasting Chickens 69c a lb.
5 1/2 to 6 lb. average
Order your Easter Hams and Turkeys now! Your choice of Rath's Black Hawk Hams or Sperry and Barnes' Old Homestead Smoked Hams.
Marlowe's Food Store
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cor Central Ave
Are you superstitious? What is going to happen on Friday, April 13?
62 Dayton St. Phone 3-2936
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Fresh Fish Wed. through Friday
AA Steaks -- all cuts -- 98¢ lb.
Smoked shoulders -- 49¢ lb.
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