The Friends of the Case Memorial Library raise funds for the Library three times a year through the Book Sale, the Friends’ primary fundraising event. All of the merchandise is generously donated by individuals in the community and the proceeds are used to enhance the Library’s collections, services, and program offerings.
We welcome your donations any time the Library is open. Please review our donation guidelines before bringing your materials to the Library.
Book Sale Frequently Asked Questions
What materials do you take for the book sale?
The success of our book sales relies heavily on our commitment to high quality materials that will appeal to our book and media enthusiasts.
As such, we gladly accept the following materials:
- Books in new or like-new condition
- DVDs
- Audiobooks on CD
- Music CDs
- Recent textbooks (no older than 5 years)
We kindly request that you not bring us:
- Encyclopedias
- Magazines
- Reader’s Digest condensed books
- Health or technology books printed before 2008
- Textbooks older than 5 years
- VHS tapes
- Records on vinyl
- Cassette tapes
- Any materials that are in poor condition or damaged from mold, mildew, or pests
When are the book sales?
Our book sales are held three times a year — in the spring, summer, and fall. We also offer “members only” book sales once or twice a year.
What forms of payment are accepted at the book sales?
Cash and checks are accepted.
How will you know I am a member at the members-only book sale?
We check our roster of members at the book sale door. If you’re not a member at the time of the sale that’s ok too! You can join at the sale.
What does it cost to join the Friends?
There are four different levels of annual membership. You can join at the $10, $25, $50, or $100 level. Please select “Friends of the Library” under “Support the Library” on this website, and download the membership form. Either mail it or drop it off at the Circulation Desk.
How is the money from the book sales and membership dues used?
The money generated from the book sales and Friends’ memberships is used to enhance the Library’s collections, services, and program offerings including the Library’s museum pass program and special events throughout the year.
Do you need volunteers?
Yes! Although our book sales take place three times a year, we prepare for them year-round. Please email friendsofcase176@gmail.com to inquire as to how you might help.