
The Case Memorial Library continues to be a viable, thriving community resource because of the people we serve. We welcome patrons to the Library not only to take advantage of what we offer, but to support the Library in the following ways:

Donate Funds

Giving a monetary gift to the Library towards the purchase of books, media, or other materials is a thoughtful and lasting way to remember or honor a relative or friend, commemorate a special occasion or achievement, or show your appreciation of the Library. Your donation helps the Library grow and thrive.

To make a monetary donation, please complete a Gift Donation Form and mail the completed form and payment to the Library. Checks should be made payable to the Case Memorial Library Gift Fund.

Matching Gift Programs

Many employers offer you the opportunity to double your donation through a matching gift program.

Planned Giving

The Library welcomes current and deferred contributions from individuals, corporations, foundations, and associations that secure our future growth and mission. To arrange for these types of gifts, please contact Library Director Kathy Giotsas.

Donate Materials

The Library appreciates donations of books and audiovisual materials. These items are evaluated for their appropriateness for addition to the Library collection according to our Materials Selection Policy. Donated materials will either be retained by the Library or given to the Friends of the Case Memorial Library to be sold at their book sales. Proceeds from these sales directly benefit the Library.